
Goodman Games
1 day ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Update March 7: Canada has begun

Hello everyone!

Here is the latest fulfillment update on Purple Planet. As a reminder, USA is 99%+ fulfilled. If you have any issues with your USA pledge, please email [email protected] and we'll take care of it.

For Canada backers, we have good news and bad news.

The Good News is that Canadian fulfillment has begun. We were informed by our shipping partner that the first wave of 30 packages is out the door and they're working on the rest.

The Bad News is that some additional stock is needed to complete the Canadian fulfillment past the first batch that was sent to our fulfillment partners. We're in the midst of pulling together a second wave of stock for them. (This kind of situation is partly why we are locking surveys and limiting add-ons earlier for future fulfillments - which you may have seen if you also backed Caverns of Thracia. I realize it doesn't help Purple Planet backers but it will definitely streamline future projects.)

For EU/UK and AUS/NZ backers, the bulk shipments are en route to local market fulfillment partners. I believe we should see EU/UK fulfillment start soon, at least based on historical delivery timing. Our partners there were away at a trade show recently so once they return, we anticipate getting an update and providing more details on timing.
Hope this helps, everyone - we will continue to keep you updated! Now, in other news...

We're Recruiting Gen Con Gamemasters!

We have several spots open for gamemasters to run Goodman Games events at Gen Con. This is a huge opportunity for gamers - you get a free badge to Gen Con, a $200 hotel credit, early access to unpublished products (and possible playtester credit), the camaraderie of the Goodman Games crew - all for the amazing "job" of playing games you love. If you're interested, email [email protected] for more info.






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Michael Curtis (Goodman Games)
3 months ago

Project Update: A Final Update

Hello, Rollers!

As the year comes to a close, it’s time to wrap this project up for good. Based on your feedback, we’ve upgraded three of the DCC RPG Roll20 modules with the existing VTT maps and tokens. DCC #66.5 Doom of the Savage Kings, DCC #67 Sailors of the Starless Sea, and DCC #68 People of the Pit are all updated on the Roll20 Marketplace and DriveThruRPG. Finally, the last bug fixes and requested feature updates submitted to Metamorphic were made and are now live. This concludes the Roll20 for DCC crowdfunding project.

The link to submit bugs and suggestions for feature improvements to Metamorphic remains live should you discover anything that was overlooked during the bug-stomping and upgrading period. That link is:

In closing, we’d like to thank you once more for your support and we’re already planning on how to provide further Roll20 support for the DCC RPG line in the future. We look forward to a continued relationship with Metamorphic in that capacity.

Also,  be sure to check our our next crowdfunding campaign, coming soon!

user avatar image for Judge Jon (GMG)





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Michael Curtis (Goodman Games)
10 months ago

Project Update: Progress Update and Character Sheet Decorations

Hello, all you high-rollers! It's May and we've received more news from our friends over at Metamorphic Digital Studio about progress on the Roll20 For DCC project. Right now all the core rulebook's images are loaded onto Roll20's servers, which is going to speed up the creation of the compendium once the cascading style sheets are loaded onto the platform as well. This will hopefully be done before the end of May and then things can really get chugging along. Then it's time to start tackling adventures!

Speaking of sheets, the devs have been adding flavor and decorative elements to the character sheets while this is all underway. When you choose your class, the character sheet style will change as well. Here are some examples of the decorated character sheets that Metamorphic shared with us. Anyone who knows the great artwork that goes into DCC products will be happy to see that the Roll20 version isn't skimping on these!

You can tell this is the Thief character sheet thanks to the highly-useful rope and grappling hook.

When you're a Dwarf with a hammer (or an axe), all your problems start looking like nails (or necks).

The handy pull-down menu allows you to quickly customize the character sheet to your PC's chosen class.

Two staves, no waiting, for this Wizard!

We here at Goodman Games are quite pleased with Metamorphic's progress and we'll continue to keep you fine backers updated as we receive regular status reports from their DCC Roll20 team. We're all looking forward to the day people around the globe can hop onto Roll20 for a new DCC RPG campaign without a ton of work needed. More to come when we hear it!

And for those who might have missed it, Roll20 recently announced that Roll20 will be coming to Discord as an Activity. Yes, you can now have you Roll20 peanut butter in your Discord chocolate! You can read about that here.

Caverns of Thracia Returns!

Backers might be interested to know that signups for advance notification of Goodman Games' next crowdfunding project are now live. Coming in less than two months will be Caverns of Thracia for both DCC RPG and 5e. This legendary adventure is jam-packed with more than 100 new monsters, a five-level dungeon, a ruined city, an island archipelago, plus new magic and spells, and offers a year or more of adventure around the table. Suitable for levels 1-10 (5e) or 1-5 (DCC), Caverns of Thracia makes for the perfect next installment in Goodman Games' ongoing OAR line of adventures. Please stop by the Caverns of Thracia landing page and sign up to be notified when the campaign goes live. Don't miss out on this one!






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Michael Curtis (Goodman Games)
11 months ago

Project Update: Digital Wizardry at Work

Hello all!

We're happy to report that Metamorphic is hard at work converting the DCC RPG rules over to Roll20. As you can imagine, with so many tables and charts, this isn't an easy or quick job, but the fine folks at Metamorphic are proving to be up to the challenge.

Just recently, they shared with us some details of the work in progress. We're greatly pleased with how things are going in just the short time they've been at work. Here are some screenshots of what they’re working on! . Check these out!

DCC fans will recognize that border pattern from the character sheets, now in digital format.

Anyone need a cleric? Maybe not with that much disapproval!

Heeliu, what do your keen elvish eyes see?!!

No dungeon party is complete without a thief!

That ape-man has magic missile! With a +12 modifier! Run!!!

And of course we'll need a way to keep track of all our loot.

The text/math on these graphics are just placeholders for now, so don't worry if thing looks a little wonky. We want to make sure the big picture is working properly before we get down into the nitty gritty details. Bear in mind, too, that everything is still in the early stages and what you see here might not reflect where things end up. 

Once we get the majority of the DCC rulebook ported over to Roll20, work can begin converting the modules too. In the meantime, we here at Goodman Games haven't been idle. We're already at work on the cool art assets for the tokens and reviewing the module maps to see how best to convert them over to Roll20. This is going to be awesome!

We'll have more to report as Metamorphic sends us status updates and we'll share the news with you as we get it. Keep an eye our for more as we receive it!





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Michael Curtis (Goodman Games)
about 1 year ago

Project Update: A Critical Success!

Thank you all for supporting the Roll20 for DCC Backerkit campaign. We said at the start of this campaign that it would be up to the fans to determine if there was a desire to bring DCC RPG to Roll20 and you showed us without a doubt that there was. Your belief in this project was 100% responsible for it becoming a reality and we can’t thank you enough.

We ended last night a mere $140 short of the final stretch goal to add a seventh DCC module to the planned six Metamorphic is converting to Roll20. So, although we can’t thank you enough, we can say “close enough” and call that last stretch goal achieved! Those of you who backed at the DCC Core Rules + First 6 Adventures tier will receive a seventh adventure as well (title to be determined). The converted seventh adventure will ultimately be available for purchase separately via Goodman Games and Roll20 for those of you who chose to back at a lower tier.

Now comes the hard part: the waiting. We’ll be making the final arrangements with Metamorphic to start converting DCC RPG and the adventures over to Roll20 and will update you once we have more information about that process. Metamorphic has an established track record of creating stellar products for Roll20 and we know were in good hands. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of a long history of making DCC RPG and other Goodman Games’ products available for Roll20. Thank you again for supporting this Backerkit project and believing in DCC RPG for Roll20. 

May your (virtual) dice always roll in your favor!
user avatar image for Michael Curtis (Goodman Games)





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Goodman Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: GAMA Expo and Charactermancer Confirmed!

Hi everyone!

Congratulations, you're getting a charactermancer!

We're here at GAMA Expo this week. I had a chance to sit down with the Metamorphic team for breakfast. Metamorphic (formerly known as Sigil) has coded some of the best Roll20 conversions out there, and they're the ones who will handle DCC on Roll20.

Here we are, plotting world domination...and also talking charactermancers! We're able to make the charactermancer work at $29k so we are going to call that stretch goal CLEARED. Congratulations everyone, you're getting a charactermancer!

Goodman Games x Metamorphic: Joe Goodman on the left, Jan and Amy of Metamorphic on the right

With that in mind, we've set up one more stretch goal. Help us clear $32k and we can throw another DCC adventure into the mix. Fair warning: it will be a "skinny module" not a huge hardcover. We had some great suggestions in our recent poll so we will definitely consider the results of that poll in the selection.

Today is the last day for this crowdfunding. Really only half a day remains. Please tell your friends and let's bring DCC to Roll20 in the best possible way!
We will commission a charactermancer inside Roll20 to automate character progression.
Goal: $29,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
We'll convert one more DCC adventure to Roll20, which backers will receive as a digital reward.
Goal: $31,860 / $32,000
We need $140 more to reach this goal.





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Purple Sorcerer Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Two More Stretch Goals Down… and Update on Free Mini Adventure!

Again, thanks to all our amazing backers who have come out to support the Horde is startling fashion! We’ve knocked off two more stretch goals: Sandbox Notes for the regions around the Orb, and the Bestiary! Now onto tech loot and another mini-adventure, The Rift that Breaths!

Mini Adventure Update
Speaking of mini-adventures, we made a mistake with the free mini-adventure available to those who back within the first 48 hours. The original plan was to add Caves of the Orb Thralls as a $2 add-on after the first 48 hours had passed.. but we accidentally set the date incorrectly so the add-on was available from the very beginning. Unfortunately , once someone adds that add-on (and 25 of you did), we can’t delete it.

So the updated plan is we’re now creating another mini-adventure called Death Sentries of the Orb Shadow, which is now the free mini-adventure offered to all you wonderful backers who have backed the campaign in the first 48 hours. It will become available as an add-on after the free period passes. This also means that Caves of the Orb Thralls will remain up as an add-on that all who are interested can add to their pledge. Sorry for the confusion: and thanks for your incredible support!
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are we waiting to clear the canuckian border after the t💀riffs are implemented? really though, we could order from the store already and only one region has their goods, what gives? Would it not be prudent to ensure all the folks who made these products possible received theirs before the general public? I think we all realize, it wasn’t a guarantee… But it seemed to be a given in previous campaigns. oh well… hopefully we’ll get ours at some point.

user avatar image for Dave ~ Goodman Games





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It appears like my first comment was deleted. My package was shipped out of Portland. I am missing about 400 dollars worth of items. I would gladly share the photo of the box that they shipped it in. No protection. There was some damage. They way it was packed it is borderline intentional. An obvious result. If you have any extra stuff to sell me, I'm missing nearly all of it. I begged goodman to let me know if they've given up on me before the resale value of these items goes too high. Goodman sent me an email saying they were going to look into it, then after pressuring them, they gave me a commitment to do something about it. They said I would receive a tracking number by the next day. Three more days went by, so I emailed them again. This time, also begging them to let me know if I have to scramble and overpay to buy the vast majority of my pledge again. Silence. What made this Portland location a desirable hub to contract for this campaign? I can't imagine that they have many happy customers.

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And getting excited for this… I seem to recall somewhere somebody mentioning that “The Tower of Doctor Xill”, by Studio 9 Games, could also be considered a purple planet adventure. Does anybody know if this is true? I do know that Brendan LaSalle’s uber-Kool “Neon Knight’s” is a tie-in to the purple planet!






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