Goodman Games
2 days ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Update March 7: Canada has begun

Hello everyone!

Here is the latest fulfillment update on Purple Planet. As a reminder, USA is 99%+ fulfilled. If you have any issues with your USA pledge, please email [email protected] and we'll take care of it.

For Canada backers, we have good news and bad news.

The Good News is that Canadian fulfillment has begun. We were informed by our shipping partner that the first wave of 30 packages is out the door and they're working on the rest.

The Bad News is that some additional stock is needed to complete the Canadian fulfillment past the first batch that was sent to our fulfillment partners. We're in the midst of pulling together a second wave of stock for them. (This kind of situation is partly why we are locking surveys and limiting add-ons earlier for future fulfillments - which you may have seen if you also backed Caverns of Thracia. I realize it doesn't help Purple Planet backers but it will definitely streamline future projects.)

For EU/UK and AUS/NZ backers, the bulk shipments are en route to local market fulfillment partners. I believe we should see EU/UK fulfillment start soon, at least based on historical delivery timing. Our partners there were away at a trade show recently so once they return, we anticipate getting an update and providing more details on timing.
Hope this helps, everyone - we will continue to keep you updated! Now, in other news...

We're Recruiting Gen Con Gamemasters!

We have several spots open for gamemasters to run Goodman Games events at Gen Con. This is a huge opportunity for gamers - you get a free badge to Gen Con, a $200 hotel credit, early access to unpublished products (and possible playtester credit), the camaraderie of the Goodman Games crew - all for the amazing "job" of playing games you love. If you're interested, email [email protected] for more info.






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