Congratulations, you're getting a charactermancer!
We're here at GAMA Expo this week. I had a chance to sit down with the Metamorphic team for breakfast. Metamorphic (formerly known as Sigil) has coded some of the best Roll20 conversions out there, and they're the ones who will handle DCC on Roll20.
Here we are, plotting world domination...and also talking charactermancers! We're able to make the charactermancer work at $29k so we are going to call that stretch goal CLEARED. Congratulations everyone, you're getting a charactermancer!
Goodman Games x Metamorphic: Joe Goodman on the left, Jan and Amy of Metamorphic on the right
With that in mind, we've set up one more stretch goal. Help us clear $32k and we can throw another DCC adventure into the mix. Fair warning: it will be a "skinny module" not a huge hardcover. We had some great suggestions in our recent poll so we will definitely consider the results of that poll in the selection.
Today is the last day for this crowdfunding. Really only half a day remains. Please tell your friends and let's bring DCC to Roll20 in the best possible way!