Eight publishers are simultaneously crowdfunding TTRPG supplements in the same fantastic setting! The Purple Planet: Where mighty death worms rule the wastes, beastling tribes wage an endless war, befouled winds whistle through ancient crypts, and fungal forests flourish in the weirdling light. Where ancient technologies offer life... or a quick death. Will you and your companions stand as conquerors atop this alien land? Or will you fall beneath the blast of an ink black death ray, just another corpse left to litter the wastes of the Purple Planet?

Pledge for one project or all of them! Each project has its own stretch goals plus there are stretch goals that cross projects!
  • There are 8 unique Purple Planet bonus drop in encounters, 1 for each project you back!
  • Pledge for 3 or more projects for a free "purple planet 3d6" dice set!
  • Get to the top of the multi project backer leaderboard, or just get lucky, to have an anagram of your name appear as an NPC!
  • Bonus page of runic lore unlocked for each project, only if all Purple Planet projects are funded!
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Purple Planet DCC Horde

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# Projects Backed Backers
1 1,470
2 183
3+ 🏅 567

Goodman Games
15 days ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Update Feb 19: USA 95%+ shipped

Hello, denizens of the Purple Planet!

We are happy to report that the vast majority of USA pledges have also shipped. We are showing USA at 95%+ shipped.

For USA pledges, we are currently processing late survey completions, replacements for missing / damaged items, and so on. If you are a USA backer who has not received a tracking number or your pledge items, please triple check your survey, confirm you've paid your postage charge, and then email [email protected] so we can help get your product to you!

For Canada backers, an early draft of this update reflected shipping - however, that was premature! The Canada market is "very close" to shipping and we will provide more details soon as we get some further communication from our local fulfillment partner.

For EU/UK and AUS/NZ backers, the bulk shipments are en route to local market fulfillment partners. The update is still the same as last time: bulk shipments in progress. As soon as those bulk shipments land and local fulfillment begins, we will let you know.

In the meantime, we hope USA backers are enjoying their pledge items! For those of you who backed more than one Purple Planet project, you should have received them all in one delivery, which is more affordable for backers than multiple shipments.

We'll continue to post updates for EU/UK and AUS/NZ backers as the bulk shipments make their long journeys across the ocean.

Final Days for Conquest of Chaos!

While we have you, there are 8+ indie DCC projects live right now! You can see a list of them in this blog update. If you're going to pledge for just one, check out The Conquest of Chaos before it ends in just a couple days!

Support this indie DCC project before it's too late!
user avatar image for Dave ~ Goodman Games





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Purple Planet DCC Horde