Michael Curtis (Goodman Games)
3 months ago

Project Update: A Final Update

Hello, Rollers!

As the year comes to a close, it’s time to wrap this project up for good. Based on your feedback, we’ve upgraded three of the DCC RPG Roll20 modules with the existing VTT maps and tokens. DCC #66.5 Doom of the Savage Kings, DCC #67 Sailors of the Starless Sea, and DCC #68 People of the Pit are all updated on the Roll20 Marketplace and DriveThruRPG. Finally, the last bug fixes and requested feature updates submitted to Metamorphic were made and are now live. This concludes the Roll20 for DCC crowdfunding project.

The link to submit bugs and suggestions for feature improvements to Metamorphic remains live should you discover anything that was overlooked during the bug-stomping and upgrading period. That link is: https://support.metamorphic-digital.com/

In closing, we’d like to thank you once more for your support and we’re already planning on how to provide further Roll20 support for the DCC RPG line in the future. We look forward to a continued relationship with Metamorphic in that capacity.

Also,  be sure to check our our next crowdfunding campaign, coming soon!

user avatar image for Judge Jon (GMG)




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