We're happy to report that Metamorphic is hard at work converting the DCC RPG rules over to Roll20. As you can imagine, with so many tables and charts, this isn't an easy or quick job, but the fine folks at Metamorphic are proving to be up to the challenge.
Just recently, they shared with us some details of the work in progress. We're greatly pleased with how things are going in just the short time they've been at work. Here are some screenshots of what they’re working on! . Check these out!
DCC fans will recognize that border pattern from the character sheets, now in digital format.
Anyone need a cleric? Maybe not with that much disapproval!
Heeliu, what do your keen elvish eyes see?!!
No dungeon party is complete without a thief!
That ape-man has magic missile! With a +12 modifier! Run!!!
And of course we'll need a way to keep track of all our loot.
The text/math on these graphics are just placeholders for now, so don't worry if thing looks a little wonky. We want to make sure the big picture is working properly before we get down into the nitty gritty details. Bear in mind, too, that everything is still in the early stages and what you see here might not reflect where things end up.
Once we get the majority of the DCC rulebook ported over to Roll20, work can begin converting the modules too. In the meantime, we here at Goodman Games haven't been idle. We're already at work on the cool art assets for the tokens and reviewing the module maps to see how best to convert them over to Roll20. This is going to be awesome!
We'll have more to report as Metamorphic sends us status updates and we'll share the news with you as we get it. Keep an eye our for more as we receive it!