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Louie Loops
1 day ago
165 votes • 22 days left




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Indie Boards and Cards
3 days ago
266 votes • 3 days left




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Grant Mielke
1 day ago

Project Update: MythCraft Enhanced!

Vote in our MythCraft Adventure Zine poll!

You may have noticed some changes to our campaign! MythCraft Enhanced Digital Edition is now MythCraft Enhanced and will be launching on January 7th

We have a VERITABLE HORDE of amazing announcements coming over the next few weeks, and we're so excited to share our plans for the next phase of MythCraft TTRPG!

The first is the MythCraft Adventure Zines!  
We're releasing several zines, digital and physical, that serve as thematic pick-up-and-play entry points to MythCraft.  Two have already been chosen! Thank you to our amazing Special Council and Patrons for participating in the selection process

Coming soon in the MythCraft Enhanced Campaign!

The Mountains of Madness
Eldritch Survival Horror
Some miners in Yodvan’s strange, magical mountains have gone missing. The heroes are hired to brave the snowy heights and recover the miners. As the heroes explore the mountains, they must contend with savage exploration conditions. But the true danger awaits them once they reach the mining caves: Little do they know that an untold horror from Inferno’s plane of Sanguineth has been awakened and lurks in the depths, waiting to devour any who approach.

Castle in the Sky
Wondrous Atmospheric Exploration
The Nalatheshi have always wondered what splendor might await to be discovered in the floating islands hovering over the southern stretches of the Nalathesh Desert. The current godking has asked the heroes to utilize a new invention - a hot air balloon with a slight magical twist - to ascend and explore the floating islands. When they get there, the heroes discover that each island is home to dozens of wyverns, wyrms, sphinxes, and even a lineage of birdfolk, all of whom have developed their own culture and nation in the microcosm of the airscape.

How could this get any better, you ask? Well...

You get to pick the next one! 

Vote right now! The winner will become one of our first MythCraft Adventure Zines!

Choose between:

Not a Drop to Drink

Dystopian Desert Fantasy
Dyspara is a land in agony. It is a stark, brutal desert and a large cube of water magically floats overhead at all times. The water is out of reach for most as it is a mile above the ground; mages and others with the capacity to fly may access it, but trying to harvest the water often leads to creatures being attacked by the carnivorous fish lurking in the water. A corrupt syndicate has developed a monopoly on water retrieval and dispensation. The Web, a mysterious group of spies and vigilantes, have sent the heroes to break up the monopoly, which may involve toppling a corrupt regime.

What Horror We Wrought
Infernal Steampunk Capitalism
It is the early modern era. Steam power is making its way across Ancerra, enhanced by magic. The “hot new thing” is railroads. They connect the world and make it feel smaller than ever before. Rich tycoons compete to finance railroads, build private trains, and take full advantage of the greater access to other cities with which they can trade. The heroes are tasked with laying tracks from Thaaj through the southern mountains of the Spine of the World to Shadradoth. The adventure focuses on blasting a tunnel through one of these mountains… when a blast of dynamite unseals a deep and sinister cave that contains portals to the sweltering realm of Cholereth, a region of Inferno. Now, on top of maintaining their trains and blasting equipment, the heroes will have to battle fiends if they wish to keep their employer happy.

Boss Monster
Subversive Anti Heroes
The heroes play as traditionally monstrous creatures (undead, fiendblood, gretchling, trollkin, etc) and defend a dungeon from pesky adventurers that keep trying to loot their home.

The Levidian Mists

Appalachian Dark Fantasy
A particularly haunted section of the Old Forest in Kendaria has been even more haunted than usual lately. When the heroes investigate, they eventually discover that a portal to the Pale has been torn open, and a coven of hags from the Pale are slowly expanding their influence into the Old Forest. The heroes will need to contend with a variety of horrific monsters heavily inspired by Appalachian horror and eventually venture into the Pale itself to fight the coven directly.

The Haunting of Vel Academy
Coming-of-Age Magic School
The heroes - a group of students at the Vel Academy - accidentally unleash some kind of cataclysmic horror from Melaneth, one of the realms of Inferno, during one of their lab experiments. Now the entire academy is haunted and overrun with zombies and other horrific creatures. But it seems that there is more to it: Perhaps there is a fiend that got let loose and is pulling the strings behind the scenes. Whatever the case, the heroes will need to get to the bottom of it and eventually head back into the library, the epicenter of the calamity, to put an end to it 
132 votes • 13 days left
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Grant Mielke
1 day ago
132 votes • 13 days left




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Dynamite Entertainment
3 days ago

Project Update: Monty Python Holly Grail Games Shipping From Factory!

Quick update for everyone here - the factory has notified us that they are prepping the Monty Python Holy Grail Games for shipping from the plant at this time.  They are palletizing the goods and prepping for them to be shipped in a container via boat to the port here in the United States.  Once they arrive at port they will ship to our warehouse and we will immediately begin shipping to backers!  As soon as we have the tracking information for the shipment we'll get another update out to keep you notified of the progress. 

We're in the home stretch now!  Everyone will be flinging farm animals before you know it. 





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Wade D
1 day ago

Project Update: Please complete your RAG-TAG pledge manager survey ASAP!!

G'day everyone, I just wanted to give you all a nudge to complete your RAG-TAG pledge manager survey right away!! Seriously... do it right now if you can, its just needs a few clicks to confirm your pledge.

I hope to send out all RAG-TAG files very soon (I'm just finishing up some new art) and I may not be able to help you for a couple of weeks if you miss the pledge manager. As I will be busy at the PAX Convention here in Australia.

Kind regards,




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Asmadi Games - Chris
2 days ago

Project Update: Dungeon Update: Foxfire bonus hero / crossover! Riddle answers! 200K Funding! More exclamation points!!

Hello and greetings! We are 2 weeks away from the conclusion of our funding campaign for One Deck Dungeon: Relics of the Forge, and the new Vault box set, and we have some fun news to share. This update is going out to our full subscriber list on BackerKit to share said fun news. 

First off, we've crossed 400% funded at $200K overall. That's super cool! Thank you to each and every person who's already backed, and we're excited to see more people come in as the campaign draws to a conclusion.

Secondly, Our good friends over at Floral Frolic are also running a BackerKit campaign which just launched, and we're doing a crossover with them. That crossover is Foxfire:

Art & Game Design still in progress! But she looks pretty cool already :3

She is our latest promo hero, and will be included in every copy of the Abyssal Trove (or the Vault, which includes the Trove). As our crossover promotion, you can get a pin of her in fox-form if you back both our campaign and theirs:

Back each campaign for $15 to receive a free pin! Get *both* pins if you back for $150 combined.

Floral Frolic are our illustration partners for Good Puppers, much of 1001 Odysseys, and some secret upcoming projects we'll announce sometime :)  Their campaign is for some cool plushies and pins. It just launched. Please take a peek at their campaign, they're great people and if you have a need for plushies for yourself or a gift, they're really cute:

Very pettable, maybe will venture into a dungeon and bite some foes

Today's Stream

If you missed it, we just posted our VOD of today's stream, which includes testing of the Foxfire hero and some new relic tweaks. Our next stream will be Monday.

Relic Riddle #8 Answer

This one...was a tricky one. Less than a quarter of people got it right!

Each of the characters was hiding a number inside, reflecting their total HP. At a glance, if you didn't see the TY in tycoon, you might have thought he only had nine HP, but he is much stronger than that! 

Riddle #9 is open, and is Fox themed, it will be open until our next stream on Monday. 

81 votes • 3 days left
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Steve Jackson Games
8 days ago

Project Update: Munchkin Miscellany Update

After reading many, many comments - thank you! - I’ve made my decision about the “Kovalic’s Munchkin Miscellany” book. We will be letting John send it to his Patreon supporters.

This will please a great many of you, and annoy a few. I am sorry about the annoyance. In the end I was more persuaded by both the quantity and the spirit of those who said “Go ahead and do it.”

If you don't like this decision, please email us at [email protected] and we can work on refunding your pledge. Please use the e-mail that you supported from. This option will be open for 30 days after the posting of this update.

And to the very many of you who said “Fine with us! Do the thing!” - you have my thanks and John’s, and we’ll do our best to keep the Munchkin fires burning.

– Steve Jackson
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Asmadi Games - Chris
2 days ago
81 votes • 3 days left
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Louie Loops
4 days ago
132 votes • Final results




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