Elaine Lithgow
7 months ago

Project Update: Dagger in the Heart PDF Preview Available For Download!

The time has come! -drumroll-

Print preview files for Dagger in the Heart are now available for download for those who backed physical or PDF versions of Dagger in the Heart. Check your downloads in Backerkit to get access. (If you don't see the download, double check that your order is locked and your card payment has successfully been collected. Declined card payments are the most common issue that stop backers from being delivered their rewards.)

Keep in mind, this is the preview version of the PDF. While it's very close to done, there are some minor layout tweaks and a final proofreading pass to go in before the files go to print. Speaking of which, if you spot any issues, let us know how badly we messed up by plugging your feedback into our form over here.

If you have any issues, you can email [email protected] for help (Don't fret if we're a bit slow to respond over the coming days. There's thousands of you and we've only so many frail human limbs to respond with. Oh for a drop of spider blood.)

We'll be in touch soon(tm) with more updates.

- The RRD Team

Ptolomey Bay aiding with the distribution of Dagger in the Heart PDFs
user avatar image for CJ (Community Lead)





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