Alex - Rowan Rook & Decard
2 months ago

Project Update: Xmas Special Fulfillment Update - Dagger in the Heart

Merry Monday Heartbreakers,

From a postage & fulfilment perspective there’s no changes to announce here.
Everything is in place and on schedule to lock addresses in mid-Jan, as mentioned in the previous message. Please check your address is correct and fix it if it’s not!

We’re here with a little pre-holiday gift for all of you. (Gift is stretching it, you did buy it for yourselves.) 

Final Production Parts:
Heart GM screens are pounding their way through the presses and beginning to be stacked ready for shipping to us. We’re expecting a pallet delivery to our UK warehouse before the end of 2024. 
Here are some gorgeous photos of the physical objects as they’re coming together at our printer.
Feast your eyes on these beauties, and imagine how beautiful they’re going to look on your tables early next year.
Updated PDfs:
With all the files off to printing we figured it was time to update the digital files in Backerkit for Heart & Dagger in the Heart. These are now the final versions from the community feedback process. 
We have had a long discussion (honestly, too long) about the best size for web pdfs, oscillating wildly between high quality art rendering vs small file size for easy use on your phone. In the end we’ve settled on a compromise - both. 
So you should find a new file in your BackerKit account right now with a small file size version, perfect for quick loading on your tablet (or even your phones, ya filthy animals). Then there’s a higher size file to let you really zoom in on those art pieces.

We’ve also added the PDF version of the GM Screen Booklets for you to download, and a pdf version of the GM screen itself, which will make wonderful backgrounds for VTTs, streamed games or just to wrap around your GM notebook with sticky-backed plastic like its 1999.
These should all be available to you through your BackerKit login RIGHT NOW!

Happy Holidays to all of those who celebrate. Happy Sun-death to all those in the Northern Hemisphere who don’t. Good BBQ-season to our Antipodean friends.
Have a fantastic end to your 2024s and we’re excited to get you all your Dagger in the Heart goodies in 2025.
Alex, Fulfilment & Freight RRD





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