Elaine Lithgow
5 months ago

Project Update: Dagger in the Heart September Production Update

Welcome once more to all you delicious delvers. It’s been a hot second since we last spoke, so let’s dive right into the updates.

Printers Go Brrr

Since we released the PDF previews of the books (that’s Dagger in the Heart, and the reworked version of the Heart: The City Beneath corebook and the Heart Quickstart) we’ve been hard at work integrating all the final errata layout tweaks needed to make the books ready for print. A huge thanks to everyone who submitted feedback to our errata form. You saved us from a few embarrassing but admittedly hilarious mistakes. (How many livers do Aelfir have?)

As of this week, the files have all been checked over by our printers, we’ve touched the print proofs in the real world, and my hand is hovering over the flashing red ‘PRINT BOOK NOW’ button.

Behold! The glory of print proofs!
We’re just waiting on the last checks for the softback sourcebooks to come through over the next week or so, then I'll be able to slam that button with all my might. The anticipation is killer. 

We’re still hopeful that we can get books in your hands by November, but we’ll update everyone on the shipping dates once the books are running off the printer and we enter into the wonderful world of global logistics.

Echo Edition Cover

It took some time, but we finally finished agonising over the colours and materials for the Echo Edition cover. As mentioned during the campaign, the goal was to make a cover that stood apart from the first printing of the Heart collectors edition, while still feeling distinctly ‘Heart’ ie: dark, red, and wet. Mina has put together a lovely mockup of the final colours and design below for you to feast your eyes on. 

Moody and bloody, just as we like em.

Till Death Do Us Heart

One of our hotly anticipated stretch goals was the creation of a high quality Heart: The City Beneath actual play. We’re psyched to announce that the recordings are all complete and in the editing process. Since we couldn’t wait, we’ve put together a quick teaser for your enjoyment.

This show has been titled Till Death Do Us Heart and features a group of grotty delvers on a ‘high-stakes’ ahem ‘quest’ to halt a wedding set to take place right in the centre of the Heart. 

It’s looking like we’ll have ten episodes in total, with the first three releasing some time in November and weekly releases after that (wow, just like those fancy streaming shows everyone loves). We’re looking forward to you getting to know our delvers in the near future.

That’s all we have for this update. We’ll be in touch soon™ once the soporous smell of printer ink fills our senses.

  • Elaine & The RRD Team

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