Elaine Lithgow
4 months ago

Project Update: Dagger in the Heart, November Update

Time For An Auditory Adventure

Til Death Do Us Heart, the official actual play for Heart, is now streaming! Come join the gang as they go on an ill-fated journey to stop a wedding down in the Heart’s depths, or die trying.

The show features Keiron Gillen as the maniacal Gamemaster, alongside Nathan Blades, Naomi Clarke, Grant Howitt, and Edward Spence as the chaotic delvers under his thrall.

The first three episodes of Til Death Do Us Heart are available now, featuring two episodes of the actual play itself and a bonus session zero for the real nerds. From here on out, we’ll be publishing a new episode of the show every week for 8 weeks, for a total of 11 episodes.

If you want to join others in discussing the show, be sure to check out our Discord where like-minded-weirdos can nerd out together, aggressively ship characters, speculate over how many drugs Castor can fit in his mouth, or whatever it is that fandoms do nowadays. 

For those folk who are attending Dragonmeet, there’s also a super-secret live prequel episode taking part at Dragonmeet on December 30th at 4pm in the Podcast Zone (aka: the Pouilly Room). So make sure to swing by if you’re at the convention.

Books, Books, and More Books

The printers have been hard at work turning all our gorgeous illustrations and lurid words from a digital dream to a printed-on-dead-trees, reality. Behold! The printed books in all their glory! 

The tear out character sheets from the new Heart quickstart are very satisfying.

As it stands, that’s all the books printed. Now we’re just working from the GM screen, which is currently finishing up in the layout stage before it can be prepared for printing.


That’s a lot of books, So you’re going to need some bookmarks for those. Thankfully the designs for the free antagonist bookmarks are now finished and off to print as well! Sneak peeks below:
Pretty pretty bookmarks with the big bads on the front, and all their nefarious schemes on the back

We also decided to splash out on some red foil treatment on these, so expect some proper luxury bookmarks to cram beneath the pages of your book. As a reminder, a pack of these will be included in every physical pledge. 

Shipping On Strange Tides

That's a lotta books. We're gonna need a bigger boat.

Now onto the not-so-great-news. No two ways about it, we’ve had some timeline slippage. This is largely due to us needing to squeeze in a complete reprint of the entire Heart line amid the chaos of fulfilling Dagger. An unexpected surge in popularity selling out all our stock is a good problem to have as a company, but it’s still a problem that takes time to solve. 

We’ve got the reprints sorted now (as evidenced by the deluge of paper pictured above) but it’s delayed us long enough that we’ve run head first into the pains of shipping pallets of books across oceans during the holiday season (and I hear some rumours about a US election or something? Which is making logistics companies all across the globe very nervous about putting stuff on boats in November).

All this is to say that it’s looking closer to January before we can get books across the right oceans to begin physical fulfilment proper. It’s not ideal, and it ain’t what we wanted to happen, but alas it’s where we’re at. Hopefully you’ll agree that the extra couple months is worth the wait. 

That’s all for now. Make sure to check out Til Death Do Us Heart, and stay cool, delvers.

- Elaine and the RRD Team

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