This project is a discounted pre-order for a digital release of our .STL files for our Winter War range, 1939-1940 infantry from the Soviet Union and Finland.
The Winter War Digital Collection is a new offering by Trenchworx and Lost Heresy Miniatures. This project will provide digital files for both the Finnish Army and the Red Army in 28mm scale.
This project only applies to the digital models. We currently manufacture the physical models available through our website at and are available at a discount for the duration of this project.
If funded, this project will pay for the necessary file curation, supporting and print testing of the digital files so that they may be printed successfully on your home systems.
This is 'Phase 1' of our Winter War buildout. We are providing infantry units usable in tabletop battles simulating the Winter War of 1939 to 1940. This project includes command teams, rifleman squads and weapons teams from both Finland and the Soviet Union. We also have a few stretch goals at higher funding levels.
As we break through new $1000 level, new files will be included in your digital package! We have plenty more goodies above the $6000 level too.
Dragon Teeth Obstacles - Unlocked
Log Bunkers - Unlocked
Komsomolets and Crew for $3000
Model 1933 T-26 for $4000
BT-5 for $5000
More Stretch Goals at $6000 and beyond!
This project will provide complete one piece models for all of the kits listed. In addition, all of the Rifleman models are provided in a 'headless' construction with separate heads so that you can mix and match different configurations and achieve some variety with your squads.
All Files will be offered both supported and unsupported. A standard Trenchworx 25mm and 50mm base file is also included.
All of the models are complete, tested and ready to distribute. We intend to send these models via distribution on MyMiniFactory.
At Survey, you will be asked to provide your MyMiniFactory email so that we can send these files to you.
You can expect the survey within a few days of close and upon clearance of the funds, backers will be sent their files soon after. We do not intend to drag this out or have an additional pre-order period. If you want these files at Pre-Order pricing, you will need to back during this Pre-Order sale. After distribution, the files will go to our Trenchworx website and our other affiliations on MyMiniFactory and Wargaming3D.
All Trenchworx, LLC Digital products are the property of Trenchworx, LLC of Sandy, Utah, USA and are protected by copyright law. Trenchworx Digital Products are for personal use only and may not be copied, shared, transferred or resold.
We DO NOT offer a Commercial License for printing Trenchworx products. We are a traditional manufacturer and have a distribution system for managing delivery of our goods to the world. If you want our physical models you can purchase them HERE at
PIRACY CLAUSE– If Trenchworx Digital Products are pirated we will not be able to afford to make more. DON’T BE A PIRATE!!!
Trenchworx is a miniature manufacturer located in Sandy, Utah, USA. We've been building minis for more than 10 years. We design, build, and ship more than 100,000 minis a year and we've mastered, manufactured or distributed for over 70 Kickstarter and Backerkit projects too. If you'd like to learn more about Trenchworx you can watch this great video from Goobertown Hobbies HERE.