Zombie Orpheus Entertainment
6 months ago

Project Update: Trivia Challenge #2

Hi everyone! We're just two days out from our campaign launch and there's so much to share.




First, of course, our second trivia question is at the bottom of this message. Please be careful not to post the answer in the comments, so that everyone has an opportunity to play. There have been a few questions about how this works, so here's a brief FAQ:

  • How do I submit my answer? Just log into BackerKit and click on the answer that you think is correct. You may change your answers up until we lock them on the final day of the campaign. This gives everyone who joins the campaign an opportunity to play.
  • Why can't I see the next question? We're releasing the questions over the course of the campaign. Today's release is the second of eighteen.
  • What do I get for playing? In addition to having fun, every backer who scores 13 or higher will receive an embroidered Loremaster Patch. Plus, everyone with a perfect score will receive Loremaster credit on a special page in Grandmaster.
  • Who is eligible for the Loremaster patch? You must be a backer of this project to receive the patch. That's how we survey you for your address. Additionally, as with all physical rewards, we charge shipping costs after the campaign. For backers who order digital-only rewards and get the free patch, we'll plan on hand-mailing your patch ourselves, so you save money on the minimum that our fulfillment partner charges for handling.
  • Can I just buy the patch? No, the only way to get this exclusive item is through the trivia challenge.


We've had a few changes to our expected lower-level rewards. In consultation with Misty and Larry's agent and publisher, we have decided not to offer mass-market editions (ebook and basic hardcover) at this time.

Our focus is on making the leatherbound Deluxe Grandmaster book amazing. We are also creating a supplemental Art of Grandmaster book! At only $20, it will contain all of the full-color Valdemar art that we've commissioned for Grandmaster, including new pieces by Nene Thomas, Jabari Weathers, and many more artists.

Our reward levels when we launch will be

  • $125 – Deluxe Grandmaster + Free Audiobook
  • $10 – The Audiobook (price dropped from $20)
  • $20 – The Art of Grandmaster (with stretch goal upgrades planned)
  • $25 – The Audiobook + The Art Book (Save $5)

While everything in the art book also appears in the pages of Deluxe Grandmaster, please let us know in the comments if we should include the art book in the $125 tier or make it an optional add-on. It's redundant, but it's also cool enough that if you want it, we'll include it.

We know that the cost of the deluxe Grandmaster book may be out of reach for some fans. This is why we have a Grandmaster Scholarship Fund, to help provide books to super-fans whose finances prevent them from pledging. If you're in that position, check the Scholarship portion of the page when we launch for details on how to apply. If you want to contribute to the scholarship fund, there will be an add-on available when you pledge.


When we launch this Thursday, you'll receive an email notification that pledges are open. At that time you'll be able to view the entire campaign, select your rewards, select any optional add-ons, and add your card information.

Because this is a crowdfunding campaign, backers are only charged if the campaign reaches its funding goal, and only after the campaign closes on September 26th. If we don't reach our goal, the campaign fails, no cards are charged, and we regroup. Crowdfunding works like this in order to protect everyone—we know that we only move forward if we have enough money to cover all of our expenses, and you know that we've raised enough to succeed.

Thanks to this community, and the success of our last Valdemar campaign, we're confident that we'll succeed. The best way that you can help us is to pledge in the first 48 hours. As a thank you, everyone who pledges for a physical reward within that window will receive a bonus foil print of the Valdemar cover.

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