Zombie Orpheus Entertainment
4 months ago

Project Update: New Art Revealed: Those Meddling Heralds

Hi everyone! Ben here.

The Grandmaster team is deep in the middle of manufacturing and survey logistics (as well as customer support), following a whirlwind two-week trip across several US states.

"Wait, why were you traveling, Ben?"

Great question! I visited Arkansas, where SJ Tucker and I wrote 14 songs for a new Valdemar album. Then I drove next door to Oklahoma to meet with Misty and Larry. We spent hours going over the Grandmaster campaign, the manufacturing plan, the art, and of course, grabbing some fandom goodies from Misty's archives for future surprises and rewards. You'll hear a lot more about this visit in coming days.

But today I'm writing to drop more art from Grandmaster!

This painting, by the brilliant Dasha Park, features the characters from Moving Targets, which is (spoiler alert) Misty's Scooby Doo tribute. Let us know what you think in the comments!

PS: We've onboarded more customer service help in anticipation of the upcoming survey release. Please say hi to Corvyn, who's going to make sure that your support requests get handled quickly.
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