Zombie Orpheus Entertainment
5 months ago

Project Update: Trivia Decisions and Special Circumstances

Hi everyone.

We've read all of your comments, have looked at the back-end data with BackerKit, and have reached the following conclusions for the trivia challenge:

First of all, a total of 859 participants qualified for the free Loremaster patch. Congratulations to all of you!

Second, 299 participants answered all eighteen questions correctly and qualified for the Loremaster credit in the book. An additional 228 answered seventeen out of eighteen correctly.

Based on the unexpectedly high number of backers who aced the trivia challenge, as well as your overwhelming number of comments advocating for changing nothing, we will keep Loremaster credit as an exclusive for those backers, rather than extending it to the next 228 backers.


We do now have a process to check data for individual trivia participants. If you think that a technical error occurred with your answers, or if other circumstances interfered with what should have been a perfect score, please email [email protected]. We believe that being fair extends to offering grace when something out of your control goes wrong.

There will be a survey question where you can share the name you wish to be credited under. Please plan on filling out surveys as soon as possible when they're released, as we'll have a fair amount of work to integrate all of your names into the book before it goes to press.

If space permits we may still add the 17/18 backers to the book as Loremaster Apprentices (or something similar), but we will have to see if we end up with enough extra pages.


If you applied for a scholarship and weren't able to redeem it before the campaign closed, please email [email protected]. We will honor every scholarship application received during the campaign, but you have to let us know if you missed pledging on time!

Late pledges remain open on the main page for at least another couple of weeks. If you're following this project and haven't pledged yet, we'll extend that window as long as we can, but we definitely wouldn't recommend delaying.


We are finalizing quotes and tech specs with our manufacturer, based on the number of units that we'll be producing. Artists continue to submit excellent process updates for their pieces, which we look forward to sharing with you as they are completed. We've also confirmed logistics with our fulfillment partners in Los Angeles and have begun building shipping tables.

Our current plan is to send surveys later this month. While we won't calculate or charge shipping yet, we're confident that we'll be able to provide close estimates for what you can expect to pay. This should give you enough information to plan for that expense when it arrives.

International backers, we will be defaulting to including pre-paid VAT in your survey charges. While this number can be high, it's usually cheaper (and more convenient) than what carriers charge you at the door or at the post office. If you're an international backer who wants to risk not pre-paying VAT, we hope to have a method for you manually request that we change your shipping profile.

Yes, there is an official Discord server coming, but not quite yet. First we need to get the final elements (names and art) added to the book, and the book off to the printers.

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