We're so excited to share the newest piece of Valdemar art delivered for this campaign, "The Choosing" by Nene Thomas. Based on Tafri's novella (the first story in Grandmaster), this painting was developed in close collaboration with Nene, Misty, and Larry!
Other Updates
Most pledges have cleared successfully and Stripe is in the process of completing deposits to our bank account. With about $5000 left for Stripe to release, we've received most of the campaign funds and have been able to start spending money!
Surveys are in progress, and these are currently expected to release in mid-November.
We'll have more completed art to share soon, as several artists wrap up final touches on their paintings.
The official Discord server is expected to launch in November as well. We'll also help you all find the unofficial server (The Vales) as soon as they're ready for an influx of new members.
SJ Tucker and Ben Dobyns are dedicating several days later this month to work on Valdemar music. While we didn't raise enough for a full album, we have been able to set aside enough to get the songs ready!
We're still accepting late pledges at this link, but only for a few more weeks.