Zombie Orpheus Entertainment
6 months ago

Project Update: Deluxe Grandmaster for Everyone – All Your Questions Answered

Hi all!

We want it to be as easy as possible to pledge for Deluxe Grandmaster, so today we're answering all of the questions that we've seen come up. If anything is standing in your way that we haven't covered below, please let us know in the comments!

(Backers, check out the bottom for an exclusive look at the sketches for Those Meddling Heralds!)

It's too expensive for my budget.

You can apply for a need-based scholarship! Please do!

I applied for a scholarship after the September 9 deadline, will I be chosen?

Thanks to overwhelming support, as of today we are able to provide copies of Deluxe Grandmaster to all 360 people who applied on or before September 18th! We'll be emailing codes out shortly. If you don't have one by Saturday, email our support team and we'll give it to you directly. A huge thanks to all of the backers who have supported the scholarship fund! If you haven’t contributed, you still can as an add-on to your pledge.

I applied for a scholarship on or before September 9 and haven't heard back.

Please email us at [email protected] and we'll send your redemption code manually.

I only want the deluxe book, not the extra stuff in the $100 pledge level, so can I have a discount on just the book?

We've added $40 worth of extra goodies to the $100 level as a bonus for backers of this campaign. Even if we take those goodies away, the retail price of the book would still be $100 (the same as the price to order just the book as an add-on). There's a need-based scholarship program available if that price is out of reach. You can check out how our costs break down in the Budget section on our main campaign page. 

I want to order the book next year, will it still be available?

We can't guarantee that this book will be available after the campaign. It's a one-time printing run, so when it's gone it's gone. The only way to make sure you can get the book is the pledge before the campaign ends on September 26th, or to apply for the need-based scholarships.

Why can't I add the audiobook as an add-on?

Every pledge level (except for the $20 art book) includes the audiobook! If you're at that $20 level, you can upgrade to the $25 level to get the audiobook for $5 less than it would cost as an add-on.

Why can't you offer an ebook?

Unfortunately, we don't have the rights to offer an ebook at this time. If that changes in the future, we'll be sure to let everyone know.

Does Misty know about this campaign? This seems sus.

She sure does! You can view a video on the main campaign page where she talks about this project.

How do I know you'll deliver? Seems sus.

We've been delivering crowdfunding campaigns since 2010, including the recent World of Valdemar Kickstarter. We're so committed to delivering to every backer that we leave fulfillment open for a full year after we've shipped so that survey stragglers can still get their rewards. 

But why didn't you do[...]?

That's a great idea. Either we thought of it, investigated it, and determined that it wasn't feasible, or it never occurred to us and we'll explore it next time. But once a campaign is launched, we're committed to following through on the plan that we've promised, so that's what we're doing right now.

Thanks everyone! We love working with this fandom and this campaign has been no exception!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
1,145 votes • Final results
S.J. Tucker will record a single of "Threes".
Goal: $275,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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