Zombie Orpheus Entertainment
6 months ago

Project Update: New Stretch Goals, New Music Recordings!

You all have exceeded our wildest expectations. You unlocked every stretch goal that we had planned... in the first three days! We're able to make exactly the book that we envisioned and we're able to fully fund book scholarships for fans in need.

If you applied for a need-based book scholarship by the end of day on September 9th, we'll send out emails soon with instructions for claiming your discounted pledge. Also, by popular request, we've created a new add-on that enables contributions in $10 increments to the fan scholarship fund.


We spent the weekend looking at budgets and discussing logistics with Misty, Larry, and the rest of our collaborators, coming up with stretch goals that would give us a head start on the Next Big Thing. These new stretch goals are for development, not release. Think of them as a foundation that will help us bring some pretty major dreams to life.

One thing we hear from fans again and again is that many of you want recordings of Misty's music. Since the rights to the old melodies aren't available, Misty asked Ben Dobyns to write new music. Now, thanks to the trajectory of this campaign, we're confident we'll be able to raise enough to get into the recording studio.

That's why we're so thrilled to announce that S.J. Tucker has come on board to record the new Valdemar songs!

S. J. Tucker has been the glad captain of her own independent music career since 2004, when she left the workaday world behind to travel the continent, singing songs and changing lives.  Named a vanguard of the Mythpunk movement, Tucker is the voice of lore at the campfire and the sharp laughter of modern myth. With one hand anchored in her art and the other held out to you, she is songs and stories, community and wit. With over fourteen full-length releases to her name and several more currently in the works, Tucker has received awards for both songwriting and performance, and has traveled the United States, Canada, and Europe with her music. 

  • $250,000 – SJ Tucker records an entirely new version of Threes, with music by Ben Dobyns. In this song Tamra, Kethry, and Warri go on the hunt for bandits, as told by the bard Leslac (who got a few details wrong). The full story appears in Chapter 8 of Oathbound.
  • $350,000 – SJ Tucker records a full album of songs from the Arrows trilogy, with new music by Ben Dobyns. Featuring favorites like It Was a Dark and Stormy Night, Laws, and Arrow's Flight, if funded these new musical settings of Misty's original lyrics will release some time in 2025.
  • $425,000 – We begin development on a "Moonshot" project. This won't fund the whole endeavor, but it will get it to the point where we can pay for the first stages of development.

What's a Moonshot?

A moonshot is a project that takes a lot of money to develop. If this campaign funds at a high enough level, we'll have the means to get started on a moonshot. It shows publishers that we have enough resources to pay many writers, artists, layout artists, map makers, researchers, proofreaders, and playtesters, so we can do right by a project like a tabletop roleplaying game, or a collaboration on a new Valdemar Companion, or another creative work on that kind of scale. Then, we can come back to crowdfund manufacturing costs in 1-2 years with a completed project!

What do backers receive from funded Development Goals?

We'll keep you in the loop on progress, and at

  • $250,000 – Digital download of the Threes single.
  • $350,000 – Digital download of the new album, plus a returning backer discount on the CD
  • $425,000 – Beta access to whatever we create, plus a returning backer discount when we crowdfund for the rest of the budget.


Don't forget to answer the latest trivia question. Because the trivia challenge comes with real-life rewards if you answer 13 or more questions correctly, participants do need to be backers. That's how we collect your shipping information for the Loremaster patches! To participate, make sure you're logged in and have an active pledge.


A stunning 39% of people who backed The Throne of Luster, our Booktopia Cross-Collab, have also backed Deluxe Grandmaster! It's pretty clear that a ton of people who love The Throne of Luster also love Mercedes Lackey.

We also know that most of us haven't heard of this series, and we know that the only way to fall in love with a new book is to read it, so we chatted with the Throne of Luster team, and they sent us:

1,281 votes • Final results
S.J. Tucker will record a single of "Threes".
Goal: $275,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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