Our campaign for Faerie is over, twas a battle well fought and a victory well earned! Thank you all for raising your banner amongst our own, and making this our most successful project to date! If you’re reading this and didn’t have chance to back, our pre-order store is now open too, and will remain so until we lock orders for manufacture and fulfilment next year.
Now onto the final business for this week, including a round up of loose ends and a key dates roadmap of what you can expect from us and when!
Willow’s Fate
If you’ve not already, go check out our final update on Willow to learn her fate, and find out what awesome rewards you have all unlocked as a result of your choices and rolls! The final roll was done live on stream, and thanks to my sleep deprivation and the efforts of your fellow backers, something pretty wild happened…
Post-Campaign Survey
Expect to receive your post campaign surveys in one weeks time, August 30th. Once they’ve been sent out you will have until September 30th to complete them. If your surveys are not complete by the deadline we cannot guarantee you will receive your rewards, so please do make sure to get them filled in when they arrive.
Playtest Content
Our first playtest survey will also be released on August 30th, to collect your feedback on the preview PDF content such as the Fetch Rogue and Witch class (we will release the full class soon, and collect more thorough feedback later once all features and spells have been made available). We will also be releasing our first official playtest document on August 30th. Which will contain the Witch Knight Fighter subclass, the Circle of Blight Druid subclass, spells & more! We will release a survey the following month for you to post your feedback, alongside the next playtest document. This will continue monthly until we finalise the book ready for fulfilment!
Update & Streaming Schedule
You can expect to hear from us here on Backerkit fortnightly (every 2 weeks) with an official update that will detail progress on the book, the art, and the various rewards! As for streaming, I don’t yet know when we will be hopping on again, but rest assured it will happen and you will be notified plenty in advance. Last nights stream was a tonne of fun, we designed two new monsters and even rolled Willows final roll live! If you missed it, the VoD is available on YouTube HERE.
Fulfilment Timeline
We are penned for a June 2025 fulfilment date, digital goods will likely go out some time prior but this is the deadline we have for everything so expect notifications about receiving rewards no later than May 2025. Returning backers from Tempest can expect your exclusive “Guide to the Wyldsea” expansion to be with you sometime in the next couple months, and any purchases of the Tempest PDF or Dragons Vault Digital Collection will be sent out in a similar timescale once we’ve finished all of our backend work for Faerie.
That’s all of the important dates going forward! If there’s any amendments, changes or delays we will be sure to make you aware as far in advance as possible.
And as a final note, I’d like to say a personal thank you to every single one of you who joined us on this campaign. Because of you me and Aston get to work our dream jobs, I can’t emphasise enough how grateful we are! And if you are returning from Tempest, a special thank you for sticking with us as we continue to grow and develop! Aston will be handling surveys and content for the next week or so while I take a short holiday after working pretty relentlessly the last couple of months, I’ll still be active in our discord if you have any questions or want to talk about Faerie!