The Dragons Vault
4 months ago

Project Update: Tempest, Wyldsea, and Playtest 03!

Hail and well met wanderers,

I arrive to herald good news, along with the release of our third playtest! This week and in the weeks following many of you will start receiving some rewards, namely those involving digital goods from our previous book Tempest. The rewards beginning distribution are:

  • Tempest: A Seafarer’s Sourcebook
  • Vault Digital Collection (Coming Soon)
  • Guide to the Wyldsea

Tempest: A Seafarer’s Sourcebook

The errata of our last book Tempest: A Seafarer’s Sourcebook has been completed, and is now ready for distribution! We are currently finalising it for upload, so keep an eye on your inbox for instructions on how to claim your copy! Any returning backers from Tempest check your DriveThruRPG account and you will have the new errata version of Tempest available for immediate download!

Anyone who ordered Tempest at any point during or post-campaign you will need to get in touch with Aston via [email protected] so that he can charge your post-campaign purchases individually and give you access to Tempest (this will include shipping & any other add-ons you purchased). Unfortunately we can’t distribute goods individually other way without charging everyone’s cards, and we would like to hold fire there for a little while longer to give you all ample warning! Anyone that chose not to add additional extras post campaign and have a 0 balance on the survey will have immediate access via their Backerkit account!

If anyone has yet to grab a copy of our 220+ page swashbuckling setting for 5e, its companion adventure Escape from Dimshore, or wants to learn more, you can head over to our STORE

The Vault Digital Collection

For those of you that purchased the Vault Digital Collection, you will be receiving your copy of Tempest this week along with other backers, but the remainder of your digital goods from the collection will be sent out in two weeks. This is just so that we can stagger distribution and also make sure we are all set up for any who wish to order a physical copy of Tempest using their discount codes!

Guide to the Wyldsea

Our exclusive cross project digital guidebook also releases this week, Guide to the Wyldsea. This guide presents a detailed look at the Wyldsea, where the swashbuckling sorcerery of Tempest meets the feudal fey realm of Faerie! Guide to the Wyldsea is exclusive to backers who supported both Tempest & Faerie during their live campaigns; If that means you, please check your Backerkit account (where you completed your survey) and you will find your digital download access to Wyldsea.

Faerie | Playtest 03

Not to fret those without reward this week, for we bring you our third playtest release for Faerie! This document details the Oath of Mortals Paladin subclass, and the College of Hysteria Bard subclass. As always enjoy reading, playing, and breaking our hard crafted game design so that you are ready to fill in the feedback form next month! The full playtest is available in the Backer only section below, or in our discord channel.

If you’ve not received either Tempest or Wyldsea by 20:00GMT Monday the 4th of November please get in touch with us via [email protected]. Please don’t get in touch about this before then, and double check which rewards you purchased before contacting us to be sure you’re owed those discussed.

Thats all from me today! If you want to discuss Faerie, Tempest, or any of our other projects with us or the community please head over to our Discord and get involved!

I’ll see you all again in a couple of weeks when we return with out bimonthly update!

- Conor
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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