3 months ago

Project Update: Playtest Survey 02, Something Wicked this way comes, and Survey Updates!

Hail Wanderers!

First of all just a small check-in on a couple of notes: Thank you so much to the Duke backers that already filled out their survey, we are just waiting on one of you now! It's been so cool to sit and read through some of your awesome (and frankly horrifying) creature ideas, I can't wait to see what y'all and Conor cook up!

Next, we said this in the last update but just in case you missed it: If you purchased Tempest via your Backerkit pledge OR post campaign add-ons you won't be able to access it until you have 0 outstanding balance on Backerkit's pledge manager (this includes shipping and post campaign add-ons). If you wanna get access to it just chuck me an email at [email protected] and we can get you charged manually!

Playtest Survey 02: Pact of the Coven & Way of the Wild Hunt

As always in our mid-month updates I'm bringing you our latest playtest survey! Here you will be able to access the survey to give feedback on both the Pact of the Coven Warlock Subclass and Way of the Wild Hunt Monk Subclass. We've found the feedback y'all have been providing to be an invaluable asset, as your collective minds can point out viewpoints or balance aspects that we just hadn't considered. Plus it's always nice to know that you guys like our stuff! So if you have any feedback on these two subclasses please don't hesitate to fill in the survey!

If you want to get a bit more involved in the conversation with either ourselves or other members of the community you could hop on over to our Discord here

Faerie Playtest 04: The Witch

We don't usually let you guys know specifically what is coming in our next playtest drop but I think enough of you have asked for it that I can warrant an exception in this case. On the 25th of November the full playable Witch Class will drop for you guys to play, judge, enjoy, and break. cue applause and screaming Yes, yes, we also cannot wait for you to get your hands on it, but please be patient we haven't let Conor out of his homebrew basement for a few days now and I'm sure he's cooking up something... Wicked

Charging Shipping & Add-ons

We said we'd give you guys plenty of notice and here it is: we will be charging cards for any additional funds left in your post campaign survey at the start of January 2025! This will give us plenty of time to nail down any issues, chase up any failed payments etc. We'll mention it in our next couple of updates too so don't worry about being surprised! We just wanted to let you know as early as possible. 

That's all from me this week gang, but I will see you in two weeks bearing witchly gifts.
Have a wonderful November!




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