12 days ago

Project Update: New Year, New Art!

Hail Wanderer's!

While our major content drops are done for the time being, I still come bearing gifts! Today is a bit of a showcase of some of the art Conor has been working on for the last few weeks. With inhouse art being one of our major selling points at the Dragons Vault we thought it'd be nice for you guys to get a bit of an insight into the artistic process for the book!

So below we have eight of our class art pieces that are done in a super traditional medieval woodcut style, Conor has been spending a huge amount of time doing research into the various surviving pieces of the time and finding a way that marries them with the epic fantasy art that we all know and love. We're super happy with how these are coming out and find they're really evocative while still remaining 'realistic' for the setting of the book to give almost an in-universe feel to them!

Class Icons

We'll have more art to come over the coming weeks, so keep an eye on the page if you're interested to see any more insights into this kind of thing!

On another note, we've had a couple of disputes come through about the Card charges made last month, if our transactions get counted as fraudulent we unfortunately get charged a processing fee (currently sat at just over £20 per transaction) aswell as losing the money we charged for your shipping and/or addons. If these claims aren't rescinded unfortunately we will need to recharge the money as well as any processing fees incurred by these incorrect claims before you can get your goods. For those that have made claims (or had banks make them on their behalf) I have sent you an email letting you know so you can get in touch with your bank and get it sorted! If you need any particular support from ourselves regarding these charges or just general questions feel free to reach out at [email protected]!

We hope the new year is treating you all well and that the absolute slog that was January wasn't too taxing on y'all! I'll be back in a couple of weeks for another check in!




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