Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
3 months ago

Project Update: The end of the campaign - THANK YOU!

Hello backers and followers!

It's been a wild ride but the Port-O-Bowl campaign is FINALLY over, and it's time to start talking distribution! 

What happens next? Now I mess around with the "pledge manager" Backerkit has on offer. Here is where I will collect information including shipping addresses and emails (for digital distribution), and also survey results for which teams people picked for their pledge levels. I will also use the Pledge Manager to handle things like VAT and shipping charges. 

This will take a few weeks. The first 14 days allows people to correct any errors in pledges, add-ons, or payments. After the 14 days the Pledge Manager tool will allow me to start importing backers into it and getting those survey results. I will also be able to use the preorder system to allow late pledges. 

Once again THANK YOU to everyone. I have got some work to this weekend (and next weekend, and the week after that....) 




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