Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
7 months ago

Project Update: First round of Digital Distribution - Orders being locked in 48 hours! (+ Xtra Tall Case Non-Update)

Hello backers and followers!

Now that the surveys have gone out, I've got a good handle on what people want for Port-O-Bowl.

I will be doing digital distribution through My Mini Factory, which is why the first question on the surveys for digital backers is for an email address that can be used to redeem files on My Mini Factory.

The past few days I have been uploading every single team, the core set, and all add-ons (except one) to My Mini Factory. I'm ready to send emails to redeem files. However, before I do that, I want to make sure that everyone who has answered their surveys is sure that they have chosen the teams they wish to choose.

However, nearly half of the surveys are still not answered. I want people who haven't answered their surveys to have a little more time to make their team decisions, so I won't touch those. However, for those who have completed their surveys, I will be locking completed surveys for digital backers and charging for Add-Ons in 48 hours. That means by Wednesday, July 17th at 4PM Pacific Time, I am sending out the first round of digital files to backers. If you want your files by then, please fill out your surveys. If you're still not decided, don't worry about it.

As for the Xtra Tall Tray, well, that's the one add-on I haven't uploaded, and the reason I haven't done it is because it is still in development. When I am done with it (that, is when my prototype doesn't break at the hinges for the umpteenth time), I will upload it and send it out to all backers. I think my latest version is very promising, however.

I have a good feeling about this design, however. It's reinforced with actual nuts and bolts!

Next update, which will probably be on the day of digital distribution, I will have some news and timelines for physical backers. 

user avatar image for Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry




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