Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
6 months ago

Project Update: The Surveys are coming! The Surveys are coming!

First 48 hour backer surveys: Please answer your first 48 hour pledge question with ANY team you like - including upcoming ones.

Hello backers and followers! I was going to do an update post lamenting that my project wasn't approved to send surveys yet. I even captured a screenshot to lament my being stuck.

But it turns out, minutes after capturing this screenshot, Backerkit approved my surveys. I wanted to send the surveys last week but things were delayed by the holiday weekend. Backerkit has to approve my surveys, and they can't do that if they're not in the office.

The surveys are the method of distribution for Port-O-Bowl. It's how I collect shipping fees, addresses, email addresses for digital distribution, and of course your team's choices. Without them the fulfillment process can't begin, so their being delayed wasn't ideal. But now I have sent the first round of surveys (known as a "smoke test,") and after those surveys are answered, I can send the rest and start fulfillment!

This weekend is when I start uploading the supported team files to My Mini Factory. Once I get email addresses from the surveys, I will use MMF to send invitations to redeem files. I will also be placing orders (based on backer location) with my physical printers/distributors. 

Hang tight - soon Port-O-Bowl is going to start its slow march across the entire globe and into every nook and cranny - no matter how small! 




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