Latest from the Creator
Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
4 days ago
All digital backers orders complete, new Tomb Guardians team, updated Chaos Dwarves
Hello backers and followers! With the recent team change I needed to add 2 more positionals to the Chaos Dwarves. I have recently put the finishing touches and uploaded new ...
Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
15 days ago
First Physical orders shipped, Xtra Tall Tray complete, new Plaguebearers team
Hello backers and followers! I am sorry for going dark in the last week. I was waiting for confirmation that the first orders had been shipped out. Now I know they have. Here a...
Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
about 1 month ago
Development Update: Xtra Tall Tray nearly complete, first 2 post-campaign teams (High Elves and Frogmen), magnetization guide coming soon!
Hello backers and followers! While I wait on the production and delivery of the first few physical orders, I worked on developing some items I've not had a chance to work on d...
Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
about 1 month ago
Almost finished with Digital Distribution; Physical distribution has begun!
Hello backers and followers! I have been going through the list of digital backers (for downloading files from My Mini Factory), and I'm happy to report that the majority of i...
Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
about 2 months ago
First round of Digital Distribution: First orders are going out!
Hello Backers and Followers! I am just going to go straight to it: The STLs for Port-O-Bowl are now publicly available on My Mini Factory. I have even created this handy colle...
Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
about 2 months ago
First round of Digital Distribution - Orders being locked in 48 hours! (+ Xtra Tall Case Non-Update)
Hello backers and followers! Now that the surveys have gone out, I've got a good handle on what people want for Port-O-Bowl. I will be doing digital distribution through My ...
Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
4 days ago

Project Update: All digital backers orders complete, new Tomb Guardians team, updated Chaos Dwarves

Hello backers and followers!

With the recent team change I needed to add 2 more positionals to the Chaos Dwarves.

I have recently put the finishing touches and uploaded new files for the Chaos Dwarves team.

Here they are:

They are already on MMF, so you can just redownload them.

For those who had physical orders, I will be printing and mailing the updated positionals (4 small minis total) to everyone, free of charge!

I have also made a new team, Tomb Guardians.

The new Tomb Guardians team came in just in time to use my new Port-O-Bowl thumbnail I got from my graphic designer, and it looks great!

With the completion and distribution of the Tomb Guardians, it is official that ALL DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION IS COMPLETE FOR DIGITAL BACKERS!

Except one. One backer never filled out their survey. If you are Midwestern and slightly magical, you know who you are- fill out that survey if you want your files! There was one more who didn't fill out their survey but they didn't complete payment so I figured it was a cancellation by another name.

Are you a digital backer? Do you have any issues with your files? Have you had issues retrieving them, or haven't received them at all? Contact me either by commenting on this post or joining the Port-O-Bowl discord and messaging me. Discord is the best way to reach me but I am open to any and all ways you can get in contact with me. Feel free to email the Star Pharaoh Foundry email as well. Apologies for the silliness of that email address; it's the first username I used with Cults3D so it's kind of stuck! 

Physical order filling still continues. There were a few delays, but this time in two weeks, I hope to be close to halfway finished with them. 





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Hey. I had a problem with my payment method and only just now noticed. I'm going to fix that this week, but I was curious; do the physical pledge tiers not come with the STL's included?

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Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
15 days ago

Project Update: First Physical orders shipped, Xtra Tall Tray complete, new Plaguebearers team

Hello backers and followers!

I am sorry for going dark in the last week. I was waiting for confirmation that the first orders had been shipped out. Now I know they have. Here are some pictures of the orders before they go, which do not disclose any personal information of the backers to which they are heading:

Next, the longstanding battle with the Xtra Tall Tray is complete, and I am happy to report I am victorious!

So there it is closed.... but does it do what it's designed for? When you have teams in it and fold it closed (provided it's magnetized), does it keep everyone in place so you can resume your game later?


The files for the Xtra Tall Tray have already been sent to digital backers. The next few backers that have added it onto their order have it in their queue.

Finally, I've made another post-campaign team, the Plaguebearers. This one took an extra long time due to its complexity and because I've been quite busy these last few weeks.

I haven't put it on the My Mini Factory store yet as I haven't test printed them yet (I test print all my stuff to make sure it works, don't you know).  However, this is a great opportunity to follow the Star Pharaoh Foundry page so you're kept up to date on all new updates. There is also a Cults3D page but I am getting all the Port-O-Bowl stuff onto MMF first because that's what I'm using for digital distribution. While we're talking about social media, make sure to check out the Port-O-Bowl discord so you can hound me, personally. 

There are now 23 teams done for Port-O-Bowl. Only 7 more to go! 





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Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Development Update: Xtra Tall Tray nearly complete, first 2 post-campaign teams (High Elves and Frogmen), magnetization guide coming soon!

Hello backers and followers!

While I wait on the production and delivery of the first few physical orders, I worked on developing some items I've not had a chance to work on during the campaign, including the Xtra Tall Tray and new teams.

Here are some photos of the Xtra Tall Tray in action.

Please excuse the messy coffee table and bad pitch paint job.

The hinges work and are tough (without having to reinforce it with metal hardware, which is why I have a hole in the design), but does it do the job that I designed it for? Can you fold up the Xtra Tall Tray and have the magnetized teams stay in place?

Signs point to: YES!

The hinges are very smooth and the clasp is loose enough that you can pop it back open without upsetting the players. Don't slam the lid closed though - the magnetization works well but when you slam anything hard enough you can scatter it. I have to redesign the middle so I'm not ready to push it out yet.

Speaking of magnetization, I've started taking photos to make a magnetization guide. The Discord has shown me that the magnetization of Port-O-Bowl isn't as intuitive as I thought. People are coming up with creative ways of doing it, but the method for which I designed it, which consists of cutting sheet metal with tinsnips, isn't something that immediately comes to everyone's mind (As an amateur roboticist, of course snipping sheet metal with tinsnips for any number of applications comes as naturally as breathing).

The tools!

First cut


Clamping the epoxy-coated sheet to the pitch

Finally, I've created 2 more teams, High Elves and Frogmen. I've already uploaded them to My Mini Factory, so if you wanted to add them to your own set, you can.

High Elves


The first teams I'm making are the choices of backers who chose specific upcoming teams for their 48 hour backer reward. But after these 2, only 10 more teams remain. It's only a matter of time until all 32 teams are complete!





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Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Almost finished with Digital Distribution; Physical distribution has begun!

Hello backers and followers!

I have been going through the list of digital backers (for downloading files from My Mini Factory), and I'm happy to report that the majority of items have been delivered, except for those who got an upcoming team as their extra reward and those who got the Xtra Tall Tray. (The rightmost column are things I still need to do to fulfill the order).

The Xtra Tall Tray is still being developed. I hope to have a final prototype this weekend or the next. It is likely going to need some additional hardware to be sturdy, such as nuts, bolts, and washers.

I have started placing orders for physical sets as well, but I haven't been using Backerkit's backend to track any progress, which I need to start doing soon. I want people to know when their sets are being shipped out to them. I am just terrified of Backerkit's endless labyrinth of nesting menus. Those who have had their order placed have been informed on Discord

Once the first few sets are printed and shipped, I'll be able to give a more concrete timeline for when EVERYONE will have their physical sets. In the mean time, stay tuned and answer those surveys if you haven't yet. There are at least 3 stragglers for digital distribution and 1 or 2 for physical. You know who you are! If you don't fill out your survey, I can't send you your rewards. 

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