Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
3 months ago

Project Update: Backer Surveys, Late Pledges, and changing pledge levels

Hello backers and followers!

I am working on building backer surveys so I can start fulfilling both physical and digital orders. I'm basically building a mini store page within Backerkit that will let people who chose the 2 team or 8 teams they bought with their pledge level. I will be using it to collect email address for the digital fulfillment with My Mini Factory. I will also be using it to collect shipping fees for physical distribution.

Backers can also use the survey to upgrade their pledge level - if you chose either the 2 team or 8 team options (either physical or digital), you can upgrade to the full 20 team + star player pledge level (but unfortunately BackerKit doesn't let you go the other direction).

I will also be setting up a Late Pledge store where people who missed the original campaign can back the project still. Late pledge backers will be immediately directed to a backer survey so they can make their team choices like the earlier backers. 

Surveys should be finished next week. My next update will be a spotlight for my physical backers - stay tuned!




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