While I wait on the production and delivery of the first few physical orders, I worked on developing some items I've not had a chance to work on during the campaign, including the Xtra Tall Tray and new teams.
Here are some photos of the Xtra Tall Tray in action.
Please excuse the messy coffee table and bad pitch paint job.
The hinges work and are tough (without having to reinforce it with metal hardware, which is why I have a hole in the design), but does it do the job that I designed it for? Can you fold up the Xtra Tall Tray and have the magnetized teams stay in place?
Signs point to: YES!
The hinges are very smooth and the clasp is loose enough that you can pop it back open without upsetting the players. Don't slam the lid closed though - the magnetization works well but when you slam anything hard enough you can scatter it. I have to redesign the middle so I'm not ready to push it out yet.
Speaking of magnetization, I've started taking photos to make a magnetization guide. The Discord has shown me that the magnetization of Port-O-Bowl isn't as intuitive as I thought. People are coming up with creative ways of doing it, but the method for which I designed it, which consists of cutting sheet metal with tinsnips, isn't something that immediately comes to everyone's mind (As an amateur roboticist, of course snipping sheet metal with tinsnips for any number of applications comes as naturally as breathing).
The tools!
First cut
Clamping the epoxy-coated sheet to the pitch
Finally, I've created 2 more teams, High Elves and Frogmen. I've already uploaded them to My Mini Factory, so if you wanted to add them to your own set, you can.
High Elves
The first teams I'm making are the choices of backers who chose specific upcoming teams for their 48 hour backer reward. But after these 2, only 10 more teams remain. It's only a matter of time until all 32 teams are complete!