Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
6 months ago

Project Update: Slight delay on shipping, 2 new teams (Elven Union and Bloodseekers), Accessory development

Hello backers and followers!

As I said in my last update, all the digital backers should have received their items, including items I hadn't yet made when the project ended. I also expected to be close to halfway done with shipping the physical backers' items by this point. Unfortunately that has been delayed by at least another week. I will have more details in my next update. I hope to have a more concrete timeline by then too. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please reach out to me on the Port-O-Bowl discord.

In the mean time, I've been working on new things for Port-O-Bowl, starting with two new teams!

Here is the last of the Elf teams, Elven Union:

And with the last of the elf teams comes the last of the chaos teams, the Bloodseekers!

I had a lot of fun with that one, especially adding all the spikes! And I couldn't help but label at least one of the positionals "BLOOD."

For those keeping track, that's now 26 teams total. Only 4 more to go to have every team in the game! The 2 new teams will be at the My Mini Factory store ASAP, hopefully by the time this update goes out.

By request, I've made a few more accessories for quality of life improvements. Like this painting handle, which lets you slide Port-O-Bowl players right in so you don't have to grip your players by the peg like a barbarian when painting them. 

It has space for adding 2 2mm x 2mm magnets, just like the players themselves. I am currently working on Version 2, which will have space for adding a steel plate, and possibly even a separate version that has a button you can press that clamps the player as you hold it. Someone has already printed it out and started using it for painting. They used Blue-Tack to keep the player adhered to the handle while painting, as the fit is pretty loose (a side-effect of the manufacturing process).

I am also developing a skill marker holder. Currently there's no separate way to store all the extremely tiny skill markers, so I have come up with this little switch-knife style holder.

I am still working out the kinks with this one. All these accessories, when finished, will be added to the My Mini Factory store and will probably be free to download. 

Next update will have more details about shipping for physical backers. Stay tuned! 





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