Charles Ryan
about 1 month ago

Project Update: 🔓 Dust Jackets Upgraded! Now Let’s Make Statements!

Hello, backers—

In the early hours today you took us over the line and unlocked yet another stretch goal! We’re now upgrading the Leitner Dust Jacket Set to include a sixth title, and double-siding them to give you even more flexibility when fitting them to your books.

And as a bonus, your colletion of The Magnus Archives stickers grows to include the lovely and inviting Mr. Spider!

Our next goal really makes a statement (a bunch of them, actually!), but before we get to that:

You Are Making This Happen!

This has been an amazing campaign so far—and we’re just starting into day 3! This success, and all of these stretch goals, comes down to the great job you’re doing to spread the word. The buzz created by your enthusiasm is what makes a campaign like this soar. We can’t do it without that—without you. Please keep it up!

Statement Begins…

Every investigation in The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game begins with a statement. Make Your Statement contains ten such investigations—some written by The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims himself—and, of course, ten such statements.
Mockup image of Make Your Statement as a hardcover book.
We’d like to upgrade that book with ten such props. Ten statements you can hand your players (rather than just reading out of the book). These will take two forms:

  • We’ll create the statements as handouts in PDF, and include a link in Make Your Statement. So the GM can download and print them out.
  • As a backer exclusive, we’ll include a set of all ten statements in print with your copy of Make Your Statement, giving you a slightly more immersive experience when you introduce them at your game table. These printed statement handouts won’t be available to future purchasers of Make Your Statement—they're just for backers of this campaign.

Image showing a document of a Magnus Institute statement.

We’ll unlock these statements when we get to 3100 backers.

Speaking of Statements…

Throughout this campaign, as we unlock each stretch goal, we also give you a bonus: every backer gets a new vinyl sticker! So far your collection is up to four—with this goal we’ll include a fifth!

This design seems pretty fitting for a statement-related stretch goal!

Remember, YOU Unlock These Goals!

Keep the buzz going, and the stretch goals coming! Here are links to some of our social media—click through to find loads of posts, images, and videos about this campaign that you can easily share to help spread the word.

Join the incredible communicty of Cypher System gamers on the Cypher Unlimited Discord.

And if you’re a member of The Magnus Archives community on reddit, or any other forum where fans interact, be sure to give us a shout-out there, too!

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG
user avatar image for Olivia Ryan





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