Charles Ryan
7 days ago

Project Update: The Art in The Magnus Archives RPG Is Incredible!

Hello, backers—

It seems like we start every update by thanking you for creating such a strong buzz for this campaign. That buzz makes crowdfunding campaigns soar—in fact, it’s the only thing that makes them soar. Every really successful campaign gets there because its backers go wild spreading the word. And you’ve been doing it!

So would it surprise you to hear that we’re already 80% of the way to the next stretch goal? We need just 50 or so backers to unlock the digital art book.

So we thought we might share a little of that art with you. Here’s some of what you can expect to see:

The image shows creepy photographs in a darkroom, lit in lurid red light. The corebook version is significantly cropped to blend into the page and allow the text to flow adjacent to it.
Here’s an image as it appears in the corebook—and the whole thing, as we'll show it in the art book. This creepy piece is by Russell Marks.

Three versions of an image showing a witch reading from a book to cast a spell that disintegrates the flesh of a person in the foreground. The coloration and brightness varies between the three versions.
In some cases, the artist (in this case, Tani “Ghray” Pettit) provides multiple variations so we could choose which works best in the product. We’ll show you examples of alternate versions.

The cover image shows a cassette player and other items on a crowded desk; a detail image focuses on some of those items, including a web-patterned lighter, a book by Robert Smirke, and a coffee cup with a logo that suggests the form of an eye.
Sometimes, the art includes subtleties and details that are easy to miss. This is the cover art of the corebook, by the amazing Roberto Pitturru. Look at all the content he includes—we especially love the clever logo on the coffee cup! We’ll include some detail images like this one.

And, of course, we’ll just load the art book with scores of fantastic illustrations from The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game and the supplements you’ve funded through this campaign!

Let’s Unlock This Quickly!

We’re headed into the final week of this campaign. Help keep up the pace! You can finds lots of sharable posts and art in our social media communities. Click through and share a post or three, and help us reach new backers to unlock The Art of The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game and even more stretch goals!

Join the incredible communicty of Cypher System gamers on the Cypher Unlimited Discord.

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG

A woman works in a greenhouse. Behind her, a huge carnivorous plant raises its jaws-like flower, seemingly about to strike.
user avatar image for Olivia Ryan





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