Charles Ryan
about 17 hours ago

Project Update: 🔓 Ex Altiora Upgraded! Feeling Like a Million Bucks!

Hello, backers—

Wow! In less than a single day, you’ve helped reach over 350 new backers and unlocked yet another stretch goal. The dust jacket set will be upgraded, with the Ex Altiora jacket becoming a high-end, vintage-feel faux-leather cover. This is going to be very cool!

You’ve also brought us amazingly close to a million bucks—a height reached by just a handful of RPG crowdfunding campaigns. We’re in the final day, but at the current rate, we could definitely hit it—with your help.

The stickers we’ve unlocked as bonus items alongside our stretch goals have been incredibly popular—so for this final stretch goal let’s build on that theme. The vinyl stickers are the type you might put on a laptop or water bottle—but what about your character sheet, your GM’s journal, or your Magnus Institute notebook? They’re a bit large, heavy, and thick for that sort of thing, so:

We’d like to make this sticker sheet. (This is a mockup; we’re still working on the full final design, which may have even more items on it.) This will be a paper sticker sheet, rather than vinyl, making it suitable for notebooks, journals, character sheets, and so on. And, as with the vinyl stickers, we’ll also give you digital versions of the stickers as well!
Mockup image of a sticker sheet with about 20 small images on it.

The sticker sheet will be added to the rewards for all pledge levels that include physical books. All backers will get it in digital form.

And, of course, with every stretch goal there’s also a bonus vinyl sticker (this is an all-new piece of art, and you’re looking at a not-quite-finished version):

Mockup of a sticker showing a monstrous anglerfish with a human-shaped lure.

We’re approaching the magical $1,000,000 mark, so let’s make that our goal!

Can We Do It?

YES! With your help, of course. It might be a stretch, but that’s why they call them stretch goals! Some things to remember:

  • The campaign has been on fire today—the pace we’ve seen so far today will just about get us there.
  • BackerKit has a feature called Overtime Mode. If people are still backing when the campaign hits its deadline, it stays open until the pledges taper off. So we could continue to see the campaign grow for hours after the deadline, if the stream of new backers remains steady.
  • The best way to hit goals is to spread the word and help reach new backers.
  • But if you’ve been considering one of the many great add-ons or a pledge level upgrade, now’s a fantastic time to do it!
  • The best way to hit goals is to spread the word and help reach new backers. Yes, we already said that one—but it’s worth repeating!

Right-click to download this image, then share it online with the link, and help us reach even more backers. We can do it!

Image showing a terrified woman haunted by swirling shadows, with the words "Final Few Hours to back The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game Tangled in the Web."

What an exciting campaign you’ve helped us build!

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG





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