Charles Ryan
about 12 hours ago

Project Update: 🔓 Sticker Sheet Unlocked! And It’s Still Going…

Hello, backers—


You have taken us over the $1,000,000 mark—a level very few RPG crowdfunding campaigns have ever reached. And in so doing, you’ve also unlocked our final stretch goal: we’re now making the sticker sheet, which will be included in the rewards for every backer getting the books in print. And everyone (including PDF-only backers) will get the stickers in digital form.

What an exciting day it’s been! (And the campaign is still rolling—overtime Mode keeps the campaign live until pledges stop rolling in.) And an exciting campaign! We’re excited about these three new books, and Enter the Archives, plus DIG and the new dice and the many items you’ve helped bring into being.

We want to tell you a bit about where things go from here—and we have some interesting news—but first let’s give credit where credit is due:

While this campaign has been running Monte has been working with Jonny Sims and other contributors on Make Your Statement, while also leading our design team—Bruce, Sean, Dominique, and Shanna—as they keep our pipeline of products—including The Darkest Woods and All Your Gods Are Dead (for the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game) moving along on schedule. Bear and Javier designed stickers, imaged the forthcoming products, and handled the graphic design of this campaign—and they’ll make the products you’ve funded shine! Jen, Olivia, and Kate have answered your questions (and are always available to provide support to you, our wonderful community). Teri, Dominique, and Tammie have managed the words and kept the logistics plates spinning. And Charles planned and ran this campaign.

We all thank you for backing this campaign. We love making mind-blowing RPGs with beautiful production values and immersive experiences, and your support makes that possible.

Now, here’s what to expect as we move forward from here.

The Immediate Future 

Running a crowdfunding campaign is hard work, so we’re looking forward to getting a bit of rest. You may not hear from us for a little while, but don’t worry. As we’ve said, Monte and the team is already at work on these titles. We’ll post updates any time there’s news share. 

The Next Few Weeks

BackerKit began collecting pledges the moment the campaign closed. But it takes them a full two weeks to release those funds, along with the data on our backers.

In the meantime, we will get the pledge manager fully set up. The pledge manager gives us the information we need to fulfill your pledge and lets you manage your add-ons and make any pledge upgrades you want. We’ll notify you when we open the pledge manager, which should be in about three weeks.

The Next Few Months

Once you’ve completed the pledge manager survey, we won’t need anything else from you until it’s time to start fulfilling rewards. We’ll be busy crafting Make Your Statement, Face Your Fears, Do Not Open, and the other items you funded, in the months to come. We’ll post regular updates, but if you don’t hear anything for a few weeks, don’t fret.

At the same time, please pay attention when you do get communications from us. Our emails and updates include critical information about your rewards.

When Your Rewards Ship

Every time a reward is ready for you, we’ll contact you by email to begin the fulfillment process. Generally, we’ll direct you to the MCG Shop, where you’ll log in, “buy” the product (for free, because you’ve already paid for it through this campaign), and check out.

This is an important part of the process because it ensures we have accurate delivery information for every item we send out. (With thousands of backers getting rewards, it's amazing how many people will change their address over the fulfillment period.) You'll pay for shipping at that time.

Please pay attention to communications from us—don't let our updates or emails go to your spam folder, or otherwise ignore them, because if you do you could miss out on some of your rewards.

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG
Image of a strange hairless cat with human-like paws, multiple eyes, and a centipede for a tail--among other oddities.

A storm in Indigo is not so different than those elsewhere. Rain and wind and sometimes even hail. But the rarest of Indigo storms also drops, for just a moment or two, keys.

Image of a street with the vibe of a European city of the early 20th century. Rain falls, with keys falling too. A woman walks under an umbrella with tentacles; a huge snail slithers down the street in the distance, and other odd and surreal features abound.

Keyfalls are rare—and wicked keys are even rarer. But in the hands of a vislae, a wicked key can open not just doors and vaults, but people. Memories. Lost and ancient realms. Anything.

Escape this world of lies and shadow. Enter the Actuality and discover the hidden truths of the real universe. Unlock new realms. Sign up to be notified when Invisible Sun: Electric and Indigo launches, and find an exclusive wicked key among your rewards when you back this campaign.

Image of a glowering woman with far too many eyes, holding a baby that also has far too many eyes all over its body. Text says "Invisible Sun Indigo. Escape this world of shadow and lies—enter the astonishing world of the Actuality. Sign up to be notified when the campaign launches, and get this exclusive wicked key with your pledge rewards!"
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