Project Update: 🔓 Fears Cards ✅. Now More from the Head Archivist—and Stickers Add-On!
Hello, backers—
Great job! Once again you’ve helped us reach new backers at an incredible pace, unlocking yet another stretch goal!
Fears XP Cards Unlocked
We’re now making a set of fourteen XP cards, each featuring art related to a specific Fear. You can mix these in with the standard XP Deck (currently in production, and available as part of the Fabulous Bundle of Great Game Aids add-on), or on their own.
Backers at the EVERYTHING INCLUDING AMAZING EXCLUSIVES! (PRINT AND PDF) pledge level now get this mini-deck automagically added to their rewards. It’s also an add-on, but if you’re into this sort of item you should really consider upgrading to the EVERYTHING level—it’s a much better deal than purchasing the add-ons individually.
More Magnus Institute Audio
The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game includes a link to an audio file, in which Jonathan and Martin conduct a training session for new employees at the Magnus Institute. (It’s included with the files in the link on page 355 and 367.) It’s a fun and immersive way to kick off a campaign.
And it’s not just fun to listen to—it was fun to make. So Jonathan, Alex, and the crew at Rusty Quill would like to make a follow-up: another recording for new archival assistants starting out at the Magnus Institute. What will they share with us? What interesting tidbits will it contain? We all look forward to finding out!
This audio will be free for all backers—it will be added to the files you can download from the corebook. We’ll unlock this audio when we reach 5250 backers.
Sticker Set Add-On
You asked for it—you got it! We’re now offering the complete set of stickers unlocked through this campaign as an add-on.
As you know, every time we unlock a stretch goal, we also add a new sticker, and every backer gets it. As of this update we’ve unlocked twelve goals, and that means twelve stickers. The last week of a campaign can get pretty exciting, so who knows how many more we might add to that!
Every backer gets every sticker. But what if you want extras? We’ve just created an add-on for the complete set. It’s priced at $20, making it a pretty good deal for the twelve stickers we’ve already unlocked. The deal will just get better as we add unlock more goals, because the new stickers will be added not just to your rewards, but also to this add-on.
Speaking of Stickers
Unlock this stretch goal, and of course there’ll be another bonus sticker!
This design lost out in a backer poll earlier in this campaign, but it received hundreds of votes, and a whole lot of comments from backers who hoped to see it return. So here it is! We’ll add it to every backer’s rewards (and the sticker set add-on) when we unlock this stretch goal.
Digital Stickers!
But wait: we have even more good sticker news! In addition to the physical stickers, we will also provide every backer with PNG files of the stickers. So if you use digital stickers (for things like Remarkable), you’ll have files for those, too!
Things Are Heating Up!
Throughout this campaign, even in the traditionally slower middle portion, you’ve really kept the buzz alive. That’s how we reach new backers—believe it or not, there are still hundreds of thousands of gamers, The Magnus Archives fans, and Cypher System players who don’t even know that this campaign is happening. YOU are their only hope of finding out—and helping us reach this stretch goal and even more. Here are some graphics you can share—right-click to download them. Be sure to include this link:
Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG