Latest from the Creator
Charles Ryan
about 14 hours ago
🔓 Audio Unlocked. Let’s Unlock More In the Exciting FINAL DAY!
Hello, backers— We’re just under 24 hours away from the conclusion of this campaign—and what an exciting campaign it’s been! In fact, we’re within striking distance of the m...
Kate Evans
about 21 hours ago
Quotes from the Stream!
I was in the chat noting questions, also loved these quotes! What was your favourite part? "Inject 20cc of jeopardy" "I really don't want a cat with your face, Jonny" sure was a hell of a sentence to join the stream to. "Terrifying existential nutkicking" "Trauma or a prob...
Kate Evans
1 day ago
Talking Magnus Archives RPG and AMA with Alex J Newall and Jonny Sims
Hey folks, We're going to be chatting AMA and Magnus Archives RPG with Alex J Newall, and Jonny Sims in the final 30 hours of the new TMA: Tangled in the Web! This AMA will be live on Backerkit from:
 - 4pm GMT 
- 11am CDT
 - Wednesday 12th March 2025!  Who has questions?
Olivia Ryan
1 day ago
Tune in to an AMA with Alex and Jonny tomorrow (March 12th) at 10 am CDT!
JOIN US tomorrow at 10 am CDT for an Ask Me Anything with Alex and Jonathan of Rusty Quill and the award-winning Magnus Archives podcast! We'll also have a few MCG team members on as well to answer your questions about production, fulfillment, and even running a campaign such ...
Charles Ryan
2 days ago
🔓 Fears Cards ✅. Now More from the Head Archivist—and Stickers Add-On!
Hello, backers— Great job! Once again you’ve helped us reach new backers at an incredible pace, unlocking yet another stretch goal! Fears XP Cards Unlocked We’re now makin...
Charles Ryan
5 days ago
🔓 Art Book Unlocked! Let’s Talk XP.
Hello, backers— We’re headed into the final week of this amazing campaign, and we begin it with another stretch goal unlocked! The Art of The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Gam...
Charles Ryan
about 14 hours ago

Project Update: 🔓 Audio Unlocked. Let’s Unlock More In the Exciting FINAL DAY!

Hello, backers—

We’re just under 24 hours away from the conclusion of this campaign—and what an exciting campaign it’s been! In fact, we’re within striking distance of the mythical $1,000,000 mark—a figure that’s been reached by just a rarified few RPG crowdfunding campaigns. That’s all thanks to you, and the incredible job you’ve done spreading the word and building buzz for this campaign. 

It seems like only yesterday that we unlocked our most recent stretch goal—wait: it was only yesterday! Now we've unlocked yet another goal, and Jonny and Alex are already planning the audio they will put together for your campaign.

At the exciting pace of these final few days, we still have plenty of room to unlock more stretch goals (and stickers)—so let’s talk about that!

From the Heights

One of the items we’re making for this campaign that’s received little attention is the Leitner Dust Jacket Set. We upgraded this collection of dust jackets—designed to turn books on your shelf (or perhaps cool vintage books picked up at a second-hand shop) into cool props for your game—through a stretch goal early in the campaign. Let’s make it even better.

Ex Altiora
is one of the most popular Leitners among fans of The Magnus Archives. The book is said to date to the 17th century, but was apparently rebound at some later date—perhaps the 1800s. The copy from the Leitner collection was bound in leather—and we’d like your copy to be, too!

We’d like to upgrade the dust jacket from Ex Altiora from the high-quality, vintage-feel paper of the other dust jackets to a faux leather. It will be debossed and possibly foil-stamped with a worn, vintage feel. Like the other dust jackets in the set, it will be somewhat adjustable in size, giving you some leeway in terms of the books it can be fitted to. (Due to the nature of the faux-leather material, we won’t be able to make it double-sided like the other dust jackets in the set.)

We’ll unlock this upgrade—and make Ex Altiora really soar—when we reach 5700 backers.

And the Sticker!

As always, a new stretch goal means a new sticker! You just unlocked the Mr. Spider Knock Knock sticker, which is now added to the rewards of every backer. With this next goal, we’ll add this Delivered by Breekon & Hope sticker as well!
(Every backer gets every sticker. If you’d like duplicate copies, don’t forget that we recently created a new add-on for a second sticker set!)

You Make It Happen!

Can we make it? This campaign is accelerating as we head into the final day. If you can help keep up the momentum we can absolutely hit this goal! Here are some quick things you can do to reach more backers:

Every little bit helps us reach new backers. Just one day left!

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG
user avatar image for Kate Evans





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Charles Ryan
2 days ago

Project Update: 🔓 Fears Cards ✅. Now More from the Head Archivist—and Stickers Add-On!

Hello, backers—

Great job! Once again you’ve helped us reach new backers at an incredible pace, unlocking yet another stretch goal!

Fears XP Cards Unlocked

We’re now making a set of fourteen XP cards, each featuring art related to a specific Fear. You can mix these in with the standard XP Deck (currently in production, and available as part of the Fabulous Bundle of Great Game Aids add-on), or on their own.
A mockup showing several XP cards themed on the Fears from The Magnus Archives.
Backers at the EVERYTHING INCLUDING AMAZING EXCLUSIVES! (PRINT AND PDF) pledge level now get this mini-deck automagically added to their rewards. It’s also an add-on, but if you’re into this sort of item you should really consider upgrading to the EVERYTHING level—it’s a much better deal than purchasing the add-ons individually.

More Magnus Institute Audio

The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game includes a link to an audio file, in which Jonathan and Martin conduct a training session for new employees at the Magnus Institute. (It’s included with the files in the link on page 355 and 367.) It’s a fun and immersive way to kick off a campaign.

And it’s not just fun to listen to—it was fun to make. So Jonathan, Alex, and the crew at Rusty Quill would like to make a follow-up: another recording for new archival assistants starting out at the Magnus Institute. What will they share with us? What interesting tidbits will it contain? We all look forward to finding out! 

This audio will be free for all backers—it will be added to the files you can download from the corebook. We’ll unlock this audio when we reach 5250 backers.

Sticker Set Add-On

You asked for it—you got it! We’re now offering the complete set of stickers unlocked through this campaign as an add-on.

As you know, every time we unlock a stretch goal, we also add a new sticker, and every backer gets it. As of this update we’ve unlocked twelve goals, and that means twelve stickers. The last week of a campaign can get pretty exciting, so who knows how many more we might add to that!

Every backer gets every sticker. But what if you want extras? We’ve just created an add-on for the complete set. It’s priced at $20, making it a pretty good deal for the twelve stickers we’ve already unlocked. The deal will just get better as we add unlock more goals, because the new stickers will be added not just to your rewards, but also to this add-on.
Image showing a selection of vinyl stickers.

Speaking of Stickers

Unlock this stretch goal, and of course there’ll be another bonus sticker!
Mockup of a sticker showing Mr. Spider, with the words Knock Knock.
This design lost out in a backer poll earlier in this campaign, but it received hundreds of votes, and a whole lot of comments from backers who hoped to see it return. So here it is! We’ll add it to every backer’s rewards (and the sticker set add-on) when we unlock this stretch goal.

Digital Stickers!

But wait: we have even more good sticker news! In addition to the physical stickers, we will also provide every backer with PNG files of the stickers. So if you use digital stickers (for things like Remarkable), you’ll have files for those, too!

Things Are Heating Up!

Throughout this campaign, even in the traditionally slower middle portion, you’ve really kept the buzz alive. That’s how we reach new backers—believe it or not, there are still hundreds of thousands of gamers, The Magnus Archives fans, and Cypher System players who don’t even know that this campaign is happening. YOU are their only hope of finding out—and helping us reach this stretch goal and even more. Here are some graphics you can share—right-click to download them. Be sure to include this link: 

Thanks for your support!
—Team MCG





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Hey folks,

We're going to be chatting AMA and Magnus Archives RPG with Alex J Newall, and Jonny Sims in the final 30 hours of the new TMA: Tangled in the Web!

This AMA will be live on Backerkit from:

- 4pm GMT

- 11am CDT

- Wednesday 12th March 2025! 

Who has questions?
user avatar image for Kate Evans





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I was in the chat noting questions, also loved these quotes! What was your favourite part?

"Inject 20cc of jeopardy"

"I really don't want a cat with your face, Jonny" sure was a hell of a sentence to join the stream to.

"Terrifying existential nutkicking"

"Trauma or a problem: Double it and give it to the next person"

'Extinction Bin Juice'

"Is the horror dry or wet?"

'Jonny and Alex's dynamic where one is being a gremlin while the other screams 'STOP, SHUT UP!', is my favourite dynamic to see on screen ever!

"Car's pregnant mate"

Jonny Sims: "There are these 4 goos. Inside."

"Go full bore and have one of them eaten immediately!"

Alex: "Have the horror follow them home...but inoffensively"





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JOIN US tomorrow at 10 am CDT for an Ask Me Anything with Alex and Jonathan of Rusty Quill and the award-winning Magnus Archives podcast! We'll also have a few MCG team members on as well to answer your questions about production, fulfillment, and even running a campaign such as this one. It's sure to be a fun time!

That's 10 am CDT, March 12th—don't miss it! You can watch the AMA right here on our Backerkit page (and give it a look while you're around!) We hope to see you soon!

user avatar image for Bear Weiter





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