10 months ago

Project Update: Last chance to preorder/fill out your survey!

PLEASE READ: Sorry for the confusion folks! I just received a ton of emails from pintopia backers worried because they haven't received a survey yet.

This update applies to SERIES 2 ONLY, NOT PINTOPIA PLEDGES OR PREORDERS. Pintopia surveys will go out during the first week of May!


Howdy critters! 

Apologies for being a bit quiet, lots going on between getting everything arranged post-pintopia, bringing a new puppy into the house (she's a treasure, but boy is she a lot of work! 😅), and preparing to go out of town this weekend to celebrate my niece's graduation.

I mostly wanted to pop in and remind everyone that preorders and surveys close on the 30th! Any outstanding payments will likely be collected between the 1st and 3rd of May. 

While I do my best to honor any surveys that come in late, it makes my job a little more challenging and can result in individual delays when it comes to you getting what you paid for. So get those surveys in or let me know if there's anything preventing you from getting yours filled out-- I'm always happy to help!

The second thing I wanted to mention and ultimately apologize for is it looks like we won't be getting the prototypes for the final few plushies in before the closure date. Due to a miscommunication between me and my manufacturer they won't be shipping out until later this week. Despite being "finished", the factory has to make copies of each design before sending them to me. This is so they have a master copy to reference when the plushies go into production.

That said, I'm happy to make adjustments to your order/issue partial refunds/etc if you're unhappy with the final photos when they're released, no questions asked. All I ask in return is that any requests for adjustments be submitted before May 20th. This should be more than enough time for the plushies to arrive, me to take photos, and then share them here. 

If you've already emailed me about a survey or preorder adjustment and haven't heard back, feel free to send another message as well. As you can imagine I've been receiving a LOT of emails this month and I would hate for anybody to slip through the cracks due to me overlooking something!

The most reliable way to reach me about survey/preorder issues is by emailing me at [email protected]

I don't always see private messages on twitter/facebook/instagram (or don't see them until too late), but 99% of the time I will see an email.

I think that just about covers everything, but I'll be keeping an eye on the comments here if you have any new questions! I'll be away from my laptop between the 2nd and 6th, but will jump right back into responding to questions and emails when I get back.

Thank you all so much for your patience 💖 I suspect May will be a quiet month for production updates, but June and beyond should be very exciting!

Edit: I'm a FOOL and forgot to include the puppy tax. This is Hushpuppy and she is an (adorable) menace.
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