about 1 month ago

Project Update: Snughouls Series 2 Update: Shipping Details (PLEASE READ)

First of all: don't panic!!! This is a good news update but I do need to make something abundantly clear. 

If you receive a notice with your tracking number that says you have an outstanding balance within shopify, please disregard this warning.

That's the tl;dr version, but for further context when exporting orders to shopify, shopify recalculated the totals using the non-discounted item prices so it will look like you owe additional fees in most cases. You're 100% paid up, the fulfillment team has been instructed to ignore this message too, so ignoring it will not harm or delay your order in any way.

Now on to the fun stuff!

The team will be making A LOT of progress this weekend! They're bringing in a whole extra crew to get things out as quickly as possible, so I'm looking forward to sending out a lot of tracking emails come sunday/monday.

If you emailed me about a priority shipment, the team has received your name and order number and your order will be among this initial batch (if it hasn't gone out already).

There are also some orders in transit right now that have yet to receive a tracking email. This is due to the fulfillment team having to upload the tracking information manually into shopify. They do this in batches vs. in real time for the sake of convenience.

All of this to say-- if you requested priority shipping and have not yet received a tracking email, it's very possible your order is currently in transit!

That's all for now, but I'll be back next week with another progress update 💖 Thank y'all for hanging in there!
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