Snughouls: A Cryptid Collection Series 2

Snughouls: A Cryptid Collection Series 2

Fluffy, floppy 20" tall cryptid plushies designed for big cuddles!
$385,850 🎉
of $15,000
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Hi there! I'm Evan and I've been sharing my art online for several years now under the alias McMadmissile. More recently I've moved into the realm of physical goods, starting small with stickers, pins and charms, and eventually dipping my toes into bigger projects like pillowcases and mousepads.

Last year I ventured into plushies without the faintest idea of where I would end up. They did so well that now nearly a year later I'm releasing my SECOND line of adorable, little(but not that little) cryptid plushies and I'm so grateful for all the support I've received!

Some fun from the first campaign!

With this campaign we welcome three new cryptids to the family-- say hello to the vampire bats, wolpertingers, and beelzebears. Each giant (over 20 inches!)  plush is perfectly floppy, squeezable, and covered in a long, soft fur that just adds to their overall cuddliness.

Can't get enough of the snughouls? Well I have some great news for you! You can fill every part of your day with snughoul goodness by including some of these add-ons in your pledge!

With this campaign I have come well prepared with several new friends designed and ready to meet you! If we exceed our original $15,000 goal the next three friends have already been prototyped, tested, and are ready for production immediately.

But hold on, there's a few more weres who'd like to join the party! If we manage to blaze past the first three goals like we did during the last campaign, I have a few extra special, limited edition snughouls that would enter the prototyping phase as soon as they're unlocked.

First up is Gutsy Were who's cold, dead heart is in desperate need of a warm hug. Then we have the elusive and cuddly mothman, and lastly a super special and secret snughoul design that will be revealed as we get closer to our $53,000 goal!

My lovely backers have made this campaign such a wild success that we now have even more delightfully creepy critters to look forward to!


Please keep in mind this timeline has the potential to change! Especially if we exceed all of our stretch goals and unlock even MORE plushies. Prototyping unfortunately takes quite a bit of time (three weeks to a month for each plush, on average) and it isn't financially feasible to ship several bulk orders of plushies at different times.

I post updates frequently and will keep everyone up to date with any changes, progress, or delays as they happen.


Please be aware that shipping will be charged after the campaign has ended and may vary depending on the current shipping rates established by the USPS. Below is an estimate of shipping costs based on the size of your order so you can be prepared for these fees post-campaign.

New to Backerkit? No worries! In a few simple steps you'll be well on your way to adopting your new cryptid friend.

1) Create an account
Join the community, say hello, stay up to date on all the campaign updates. There's lots of perks to creating an account on Backerkit and these are just a few of them.

2) Select a pledge level
There are several different reward tiers to choose from-- some even offer discounts when ordering things together.

3) Include add-ons
Need more plushies? Stickers? Pins?? We've got you covered. After you select your pledge level you'll be able to add even more items onto your pledge in the form of add-ons.

4) Check out
That's it! You're done until the campaign ends and surveys go out.

5) Manage your pledge
After the campaign you'll receive an email with your survey. This is where the fun happens and you get to pick exactly which plushies, pins, and so on that you want, as well as manage your add-ons before finalizing your order. Once finalized you can continue to edit your order via Backerkit until orders are locked.

Remember! You won't be charged until the campaign ends on October 5th. Take advantage of that to claim your early bird rewards! 

If you need to lower or cancel your pledge later, you can do so any time before pledges are processed on October 5th and avoid being charged.

I reached out to new snughoul owners for their opinion, and they were happy to oblige! Here's just a handful of comments I received in regards to the last snughoul campaign.

Better than I could have expected!! So big and huggable. 😭

I LOVE HIM SO MUCH CRYING SOBBING <333 He has been such a huge comfort to me and a great buddy to take along on car rides!

Both of my new were friends are so cute and much bigger than I expected. Both extremely cuddly and well-designed!!

I love the little guy, great quality, they're bigger than expected but the softest little things.

They're so perfectly soft and cuddly and honestly they're my new best stuffed friend.
Snughouls are extremely photogenic and want nothing more than to go on exciting adventures with you...and maybe some of that leftover halloween candy you've been hiding in the pantry all year. 

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