6 months ago

Project Update: Series 2 Update: Inspections are underway!

Howdy critters!

First of all I apologize for the radio silence. I was sick with covid for a good chunk of August (just about back to normal now thankfully!) and then to add insult to injury I fractured my ankle in the most mundane way possible this week so I've been a bit preoccupied 😅

Moreover, the photo update I was waiting on from my supplier has not materialized but I don't think it's fair to make you folks wait any longer for a progress report so here we go~

In short: it's good news! Safety testing is 100% finished, production has wrapped up and we're just waiting on the results of the various inspections now. To explain why things move at such glacial speeds, I'd like to break down the inspection process real quick.

  • This is the first round of inspections before they leave the factory, performed by the factory. This should catch the majority of defects like holes, crooked bits, flawed embroidery, you name it.
  • The next step is another inspection with the third party inspector I hired. For this round a small group is inspected and if its within tolerances (say a defect rate of 5% out of 100 plushies) they get a pass and can ship out.
  •  If they fail they'll be inspected again and repaired by the supplier before leaving the factory.

And finally they'll be inspected a third time when they're being packed and sent to you folks-- yay redundancies!

Free them!!!

Keychains and other small goods are also in production currently and estimated to arrive at the warehouse around mid-October, which fits perfectly within our new schedule! Overall while things aren't moving quite as fast as I was hoping, they are indeed trucking along with positive and measurable progress. 

And don't forget there are other ways to keep up with us between updates 💖 The discord remains awesome and active with everything going on both in and outside the scope of Series 2, and I can generally be reached on twitter too if you ever need an extra expedient reply.

Snughoul Discord:
Snughouls on Twitter:

Fingers crossed I will have some additional production pics before the week is over!
user avatar image for McMadmissile




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