I come bearing good news. As of today, 75% of ALL orders are shipped! The number jumped dramatically today, which is awesome to see and means fulfillment should be wrapping up very soon (which in turn means the remaining plushies can be sold in the tiny teeth store!!)
Please don't panic if your order hasn't shipped yet. 1000 orders is no small sum so there will still be a lot of people who have yet to receive a tracking email-- this is totally normal and expected. Your email should arrive within the next 1 to 2 weeks.
When all orders and emails have been sent out I'll be back with another update. If you haven't received your tracking email at that point then by all means send me an email and I'll make sure everything is sorted out 💖
Now for a note about support requests: I've received an influx of emails in the past 1-2 weeks due to the massive amount of packages going out all at once. Even a 5% error rate at this scale means 200+ support requests to juggle (we're not quite at 5% thankfully, but just throwing a number out there as an example) and that's a lot for one person to work through!
In addition to that I started a new medication last week that makes me very sleepy while I'm still adjusting to the change, so I'm not moving as quickly as I would like. The timing is terrible, but I'll keep trucking, all I'm asking for is a little patience if you sent in an email 🙏 I will get to you, I promise!
For misdelivered 'ghouls, wrong addresses, missing items, and MIA packages, you will also get your plushies. There isn't even a remote chance I will run out of stock before all issues are addressed. There is plenty to go around.