Nora Haynes
5 months ago

Project Update: Perfect Draw! Prototype PDF - Version 1.5 Released!!

Hey y'all!

I hope you're all having fun with Perfect Draw!. We've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes and while we can't share most of it, a lot of it we can!

PLEASE REMEMBER: If you haven't finished your pledge manager survey yet, please do! You'll only get access to the Prototype PDF once you've completed that survey, and while there's still at least a month or two before we actually start shipping - every backer that does it now makes it easier for us to get production going as smoothly as possible. 

Changes in 1.5 of the Prototype PDF

In each update where we release a new version of the Prototype PDF, we'll be including a changelog so you know what you need to check if you've already read through the whole book:

  • Various typos, formatting, and inconsistencies fixed.
  • Certain NPC encounters have been turned into "boss encounters" and are now two-page spreads.
  • 5 New Champion Tier Encounters added.
  • Some premade cards have had their costing text reworked to be clearer.
  • Some NPC encounters have had their effects renamed or slightly altered for thematic reasons.
  • Player Playmats added to the "Printables" folder

Progress on Perfect Draw!

We're working hard to get Perfect Draw! done and ready for printing in May. Right now we're on track to getting everything done on time and included in the book!

Core Book:
  • Writing, Playtesting, Layout, Art (100% DONE)
  • Guest Encounters:
    • Derek Ehlmann (100% DONE)
    • Riley Hopkins (35%)
    • Zak Borough (100% DONE)
    • Joseph Rothschild (20%)
    • Millenium Blades (60%)
  • Champion Tier Encounters (75%)

Booster Pack PDF:
  • New Playbooks:
    • The Mentor (80%)
    • The Lovestruck (80%)
    • The Other Me (80%)
    • The Facade (15%)
    • The Crew (10%)
  • Additional Premade Cards (90%)
  • Additional New Encounters (70%)
  • Three New Card Game Combat Formats (80%)
  • Art for Each Unlocked Playbook (40%)
  • Layout for Booster Pack PDF (0%)

  • Custom Card Creation App (100% DONE)
  • Print & Play + VTT Assets (40%)

What Else is Happening in the World of Perfect Draw!

If you compare this update's progress chart with last update, you'll notice that we've made substantial progress on the Champion Tier encounters and Booster Pack content. We're hoping to give you all a preview of the Booster Pack in the next Prototype PDF update, but for now, we can't make any promises. With that said, one thing we can share is the stunning new art by Thunderderder for some of the new playbooks we've been working on. Check out the art for The Mentor and The Other Me here:

I'll also note that we shared the Playmat on the Discord earlier and in response, many fans have been hard at work making some incredibly high quality tools for playing Perfect Draw! in Tabletop Simulator. If you have TTS, this is a great way to play! Check them out here!

Finally, I'd like to remind everyone again that our friends at Level 99 Games have an ongoing Kickstarter for Millennium Blades where you can pick up absolutely anything you could want!

Click here to check out the Kickstarter Page!

We're a good way through the Millennium Blades crossover encounter, so with any luck we'll be able to share that with you soon before the reprint campaign finishes! In the meantime, I'd like to remind everyone that the team behind Millennium Blades actually made a print and play expansion featuring Elena Guerrero, The Resolved from Perfect Draw! If you have a copy of Millennium Blades you should absolutely print her out, she's a ton of fun and plays in a really unique way.

We'll see you all again in about 2 week's time with another update to the Prototype PDF! Stay safe out there, and I hope your next session of Perfect Draw! is as exciting as it can be,
Nora Jean Haynes




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