Nora Haynes
6 months ago

Project Update: The Booster Pack is Out & Core Book Updates

Hi Y'all!

If you've been keeping up with the Discord or pages for Perfect Draw! then you've already seen some fairly exciting news. But while we'll get to discussing that in a moment - we have something else we need to announce first!

The Booster Pack is Out!!

Click Here to Check Out the Store Page

After months of hard work, we've finally reached the point where we feel The Booster Pack is ready for release! If you're a backer, then you can follow the link here to unlock your copy of the Booster Pack:

Remember that your Itch account needs to use the same email address as the email you used for Backerkit (this may include capitalisation). Alternatively, you should receive an email soon with a digital download copy of the Booster Pack.

Because the Booster Pack has no physical version at the time being, there is a chance that we'll update it in the future if any significant issues are found with either formatting or further testing. Keep an eye out by following the Itch page. 

Thank you all so much for your support, and I'm excited to see what stories you make together in your games. 

We've Updated the Core Book PDF!!

Check Out the New Colour Store Page Here

Since we had the opportunity to get colour assets thanks to our Publishing Partner, we took this opportunity to update the PDF copies of Perfect Draw! to include the colour cover and some additional minor fixes we made to the book ready for the publishing. 

If you've already read through the book, there isn't anything new that you'll need to worry about - but if you haven't had the chance yet, the new cover looks fantastic!

We've Updated the Quick-Play Demo Kit!!

Download the Demo Here and Share it with Friends

Since we were already updating the main book, we decided to update the Demo Kit so that the wording and text of everything reflects the final product. This means that there are no longer any inconsistencies between the rulings in the Core Book and the Demo Kit! This does mean some of the encounters have gotten a little stronger in line with our testing, but we believe in your players to overcome whatever challenge lies before them. 

You can Now Publish Your Own Perfect Draw! Expansions

As a final exciting announcement, we've created a Creative Commons License for Perfect Draw!. In the new version of the free resources download, you can find a PDF with all the rules you'll need to make content for our game! This document isn't intended as a way to learn how to play, but includes the core rules and examples of custom gameplay elements - all open for commercial use so long as you credit us as the creators of the game. We're incredibly excited to see what people make, and we'd love to hear about your projects on our Discord

Additionally, we've opened the Demo Kit to non-commercial use, so you can share with friends and make resources using the content in the book however you like!

Thank you all so much,
Nora Jean Haynes
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
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