Nora Haynes
8 months ago

Project Update: The Last Prototype PDF, An Update to the Booster Pack, and Some News

Hey y'all. Nora again!

It's been a long journey - several years in the making on our end, and at least a couple months for each of you. I've adored hearing all of your stories of games using our system, and the feedback since we've released the Prototype PDFs has been incredible. But... we're just about at the end! This is the final version of the Prototype PDF we plan to put out - in 2-3 weeks from now you should be receiving your key to unlock the final version of the game in

The Final Prototype PDF

You heard that right. Version 1.8 is the final version of the Prototype PDF we plan on releasing here - everything in the book is finally 100% complete, and we've locked orders so we can finally include backer names. All that's left to do is check for typos, formatting errors, and make sure we haven't messed anything up. That's where you all come in! While me and Iris both will be checking the book extensively for errors, we only have two pairs of eyes. You've all been a massive help noticing errors and typos so far, but in this final stretch - we'd like for anyone willing to read through the book one final time to check for:
  • Any grammar errors or typos still present in the book (Please note that the book should appear in European English).
  • Any formatting errors that appear inconsistent with the rest of the book.
  • Any inconsistencies with the ways that we've described rules throughout the book.
If you notice anything, we have a ticket channel in our Discord for letting us know! Thank you for your assistance in advance.

Changes in 1.8 of the Prototype PDF

In each update where we release a new version of the Prototype PDF, we'll be including a changelog so you know what you need to check if you've already read through the whole book: 

  • Various typos, formatting, and inconsistencies fixed. 
  • 1 New Guest Encounter Included (MBT)
  • 1 New Champion Tier Encounter Included.
  • 1 New Generic NPC Encounter Included.
    • Originally this space was supposed to be filled by an additional Champion Tier encounter. However, the person who had backed at the Champion level has sorely faced some substantial medical issues and has been unable to work with us to a level they can be happy with. We will be refunding them for the difference, and to replace their space within the book we've instead included one of the encounters we built for the Booster Pack.
  • Backer Names have been added to the Credits section
    • PLEASE NOTE: Some backers appear to have misunderstood the question during the survey and answered with a variation of "Yes", "Sure" or similar, instead of including how they would like to be referenced. Similarly, some backers have included names that are either inappropriate or imply the collaboration of businesses that haven't backed our project. These backers names were unable to be included - if you think this may be you, please get in touch with me or Iris so we can fix this.
  • PNG versions of the Player Tokens have been added to the Printables section.
  • The Playtest version of the Booster Pack has been updated with some updates and new content:
    • New bridging text has been added between sections of the Booster Pack.
    • 2 New Playbooks have been added:
      • The Facade
      • The Crew
    • 4 New NPC Encounters have been added.
    • 3 New Alternate Formats have been added under the Alternate Formats section:
      • Momentum Rules
      • Pack Opening Rules
      • Champions' Path Rules

Progress on Perfect Draw!

We're working hard to get Perfect Draw! done and ready for printing in May. Right now we're on track to getting everything done on time and included in the book!

Core Book:
  • Writing, Playtesting, Layout, Art (100% DONE)
  • Guest Encounters:
    • Derek Ehlmann (100% DONE)
    • Riley Hopkins (100% DONE)
    •  Zak Borough (100% DONE)
    • Joseph Rothschild (100% DONE)
    • Millenium Blades (100% DONE)
  • Champion Tier Encounters (100% DONE)

Booster Pack PDF:
  • New Playbooks:
    • The Mentor (90% PLAYTESTING)
    • The Lovestruck (90% PLAYTESTING)
    • The Other Me (90% PLAYTESTING)
    • The Facade (80% PLAYTESTING)
    • The Crew (80% PLAYTESTING)
  • Additional Premade Cards (90% PLAYTESTING)
  • Additional New Encounters (90% PLAYTESTING)
  • Three New Card Game Combat Formats (70% PLAYTESTING)
  • Art for Each Unlocked Playbook (80%)
  • Layout for Booster Pack PDF (0%)

  • Custom Card Creation App (100% DONE)
  • Print & Play + VTT Assets (100% DONE)

What Else is Happening in Perfect Draw!

As we approach the complete version of the core book, our attention internally has turned a bit more towards the Booster Pack! We've released an exciting new version of the book with two new playbooks this update, and one of them (The Facade) even already has art! The Crew is going to be a weirder one since it naturally represents multiple characters, but I'm excited to show you all what we've been cooking up.

In other news, more streamers have begun series where they run Perfect Draw!. While Dimension Chasers has been going strong for some time now, two new Actual-Plays have entered the battlefield. Check them out here:
These have both been fun watches, and I highly recommend giving them a look if your searching for more of a Perfect Draw! Actual Play fix. 

When Will You Receive the Physical Versions of Perfect Draw!

With the incredible responses we've seen from not just the crowdfunding project but also the preorder store, it's sad to say that fulfillment of physical copies is likely to take some extra time then we originally projected. With that said, if you pay close attention to the Credits section available in the new Prototype PDF you'll notice an exciting new bit of information: we now have a Publishing Partner!!

While most well known as a board game publisher, Japanime Games has worked to publish a number of TTRPG projects over the last few years - Including Glitter Hearts and the Cowboy Bebop TTRPG. Now, they've asked us to work with them not just for fulfillment of this crowdfunding project, but a retail release of Perfect Draw!

This comes with some exciting news we can't quite reveal yet, but it also means we'll be able to get you your physical books sooner then we would have had to, should we have tried to print over 1000 copies ourselves. We'll have more information for you soon.

Thank you for your time,
Nora Jean Haynes




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