Project Update: Perfect Draw! Prototype PDF - Version 1.7 Released
Hey everyone! Nora again!
We're quickly approaching the final version of the Perfect Draw! PDF and that means we're only a couple updates away from getting to work on printing and sending out the physical versions of the book.
We're quickly approaching the final version of the Perfect Draw! PDF and that means we're only a couple updates away from getting to work on printing and sending out the physical versions of the book.
The Pledge Manager & Preorder Store to Close in One Week
To finalize some of the content in the book (such as the backer credits), we need to close and finalize the Pledge Manager and Preorder Store. In about a week from now, you'll receive an email letting you know the Pledge Manager will be closing in two days. After this one week period, you'll no longer have the chance to edit the name in the credits, modify your pledge, or change your address. Additionally, 10% of people haven't completed their backer survey - if this includes you, then failing to complete the survey in time could result in either your name not being included in the final book or possibly your book not being delivered at all if you made a physical pledge.
Changes in 1.7 of the Prototype PDF
In each update where we release a new version of the Prototype PDF, we'll be including a changelog so you know what you need to check if you've already read through the whole book:
- Various typos, formatting, and inconsistencies fixed.
- 2 new Champion Tier encounters have been added.
- Dummy pages have been added for the two remaining Champion Tier and one remaining Guest encounter still to be added to the book.
- NPC Encounters have all been properly formatted and ordered to match alphabetical order of their decks.
- Page numbers have been added and fixed to all locations where they were not yet included.
- In-PDF linking has been added to the Chapters and People of Shuffle City, as well as any other sections of the book that reference a specific page number.
- Out-of-PDF linking has been added to sections referencing downloadable resources and tools available on
- Card Assets have been added to the "Printables & Form-Fillables" File
Progress on Perfect Draw!
We're working hard to get Perfect Draw! done and ready for printing in May. Right now we're on track to getting everything done on time and included in the book!
Core Book:
Core Book:
- Writing, Playtesting, Layout, Art (100% DONE)
- Guest Encounters:
- Derek Ehlmann (100% DONE)
- Riley Hopkins (100% DONE)
- Zak Borough (100% DONE)
- Joseph Rothschild (70%)
- Millennium Blades (100% DONE)
- Champion Tier Encounters (95%)
Booster Pack PDF:
- New Playbooks:
- The Mentor (80% PLAYTESTING)
- The Lovestruck (80% PLAYTESTING)
- The Other Me (80% PLAYTESTING)
- The Facade (70%)
- The Crew (50%)
- Additional Premade Cards (90% PLAYTESTING)
- Additional New Encounters (95% PLAYTESTING)
- Three New Card Game Combat Formats (50%)
- Art for Each Unlocked Playbook (60%)
- Layout for Booster Pack PDF (0%)
- Custom Card Creation App (100% DONE)
- Print & Play + VTT Assets (100% DONE)
What's Next for Perfect Draw!
While this was a relatively lighter update compared to some of the other recent updates, that's mostly a result of us being nearly done! The version of the book you see in this update should be almost identical to the version you find in the final update - with the main difference being the inclusion of the three missing encounters that currently aren't in the Prototype PDF.
Once that's done, our main goal will be making sure people get the physical versions of their book and plugging away at the Booster Pack Expansion. This is all to say that even though the core book is nearly released, there's still a lot to look forward too with the future of Perfect Draw! Our current plans are to release Booster Pack updates monthly so we can have more time to playtest content and make any changes that need to be made. You can expect to see the next version of the Booster Pack alongside the next Prototype PDF update in two weeks.
Speaking of, Thunderderder completed the art for The Lovestruck between last update and today, so we can finally share it here!
With any luck, we'll have art for The Facade ready before next update - but if you're interested seeing the last few arts early, we share them on the Discord as soon as we get our hands on them.
Until next time! I hope you all have a lovely week,
Nora Jean Haynes
Once that's done, our main goal will be making sure people get the physical versions of their book and plugging away at the Booster Pack Expansion. This is all to say that even though the core book is nearly released, there's still a lot to look forward too with the future of Perfect Draw! Our current plans are to release Booster Pack updates monthly so we can have more time to playtest content and make any changes that need to be made. You can expect to see the next version of the Booster Pack alongside the next Prototype PDF update in two weeks.
Speaking of, Thunderderder completed the art for The Lovestruck between last update and today, so we can finally share it here!
With any luck, we'll have art for The Facade ready before next update - but if you're interested seeing the last few arts early, we share them on the Discord as soon as we get our hands on them.
Until next time! I hope you all have a lovely week,
Nora Jean Haynes