Nora Haynes
5 months ago

Project Update: Available Now: Prototype PDF Version 1.6 Released & Booster Pack Playtest!!

Hey y'all!

It's that time again for us to show you the updates to the Prototype PDF! We've done a lot of exciting work, but before we go any further, I want to make a few important announcements.

Pledge Manager & Preorder Store to Close in Three Weeks

We're rapidly approaching the final release of Perfect Draw!, and we wanted to make sure you had plenty of time to finalise your Pledge Manager before we close it off. After this three week period, you'll no longer have the chance to edit the name in the credits, modify your pledge, or change your address. Additionally, 13% of people haven't completed their backer survey - if this includes you, then failing to complete the survey in time could result in either your name not being included in the final book or possibly your book not being delivered at all if you made a physical pledge. 

Two weeks from now, when we release the next Prototype PDF, we'll give you another warning - but please be sure to complete your details as soon as possible and update your shipping information if it's likely to change before then. 

With that all said, let's get into the changes you can find in the new version of the Prototype PDF.

Changes in 1.6 of the Prototype PDF

In each update where we release a new version of the Prototype PDF, we'll be including a changelog so you know what you need to check if you've already read through the whole book: 

  • Various typos, formatting, and inconsistencies fixed. 
  • 2 new Guest Encounters have been added. (Millennium Blades and Riley L. Hopkins)
  • 1 new Champion Tier Encounter has been added.
  • Champion Tier and Guest Encounters have had their formatting modified to look more stylish and be more clearly differentiated from the content developed exclusively by Double Summon Games.
  • The "People of Shuffle City" encounter list has been given explainers for each of the categories. 
  • The "Percival Blanchett" NPC Encounter has been removed from the core book and replaced by "Crew of the Black Lotus" to better represent each of the bosses. (Percival will now be a part of the Booster Pack expansion.) 
  • Some effects with {Piercer} have been modified to more appropriately cost them if they're likely to win clashes.  
  • The amount of Advantage and Response Moves you gain in team fights has been updated to better balance encounters.
  • The kinds of effects you can Counter using Response Moves and Counter My Opponent's Play has been further clarified.
  • NPC Playmats and Printable Tokens have been included in the "Printables & Form Fillables" file.
  • A playtest version of the Booster Pack expansion for Perfect Draw! has been added to your download file. (Please note that this will be updated less frequently then the Prototype PDF.)
    • This playtest document includes a test version of:
      • New Keywords
      • 27 New Premade Cards
      • 3 New Playbooks:
        • The Mentor
        • The Other Me
        • The Lovestruck
      • 6 New NPC Encounters (Including three Boss Encounters)

Progress on Perfect Draw!

We're working hard to get Perfect Draw! done and ready for printing in May. Right now we're on track to getting everything done on time and included in the book!

Core Book:
  • Writing, Playtesting, Layout, Art (100% DONE)
  • Guest Encounters:
    • Derek Ehlmann (100% DONE)
    • Riley Hopkins (100% DONE)
    •  Zak Borough (100% DONE)
    • Joseph Rothschild (25%)
    • Millenium Blades (100% DONE)
  • Champion Tier Encounters (90%)

Booster Pack PDF:
  • New Playbooks:
    • The Mentor (80% PLAYTESTING)
    • The Lovestruck (80% PLAYTESTING)
    • The Other Me (80% PLAYTESTING)
    • The Facade (15%)
    • The Crew (10%)
  • Additional Premade Cards (90% PLAYTESTING)
  • Additional New Encounters (70% PLAYTESTING)
  • Three New Card Game Combat Formats (50%)
  • Art for Each Unlocked Playbook (40%)
  • Layout for Booster Pack PDF (0%)

  • Custom Card Creation App (100% DONE)
  • Print & Play + VTT Assets (90%)

We hope Perfect Draw! has been as fun for y'all to play as it was for us to make. And I hope that you're as excited as we are for physical books to start being sent out!!

Until next time - thank you all again,
Nora Jean Haynes




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