Giando Sigurani | Star Pharaoh Foundry
3 months ago

Project Update: The Final 5 teams! Port-O-Bowl is now COMPLETE! 40% sale on MMF too.

Hello Backers and Followers!

Now that I've finally gotten the update about shipping out of the way I can talk about what I've been up to besides all the printing and shipping for physical backers.

I've completed all Port-O-Bowl teams! All 30 teams are now available to play. Without further ado, here are the last 5 teams.

Left to Right: Knoblar, Ogre1, Ogre2, Runt Punter

Left to Right: Bloodspawn, Bloodseeker, Kgor, Lineman

Imperial Nobility
Left to Right: Lineman, Thrower, Blitzer, Bodyguard, Ogre

Black Orcs
Left to Right: Black Orc 1, Black Orc 2, Goblin 1, Goblin 2, Troll

Old World Alliance
Left to Right: Human lineman, Human thrower, Human catcher, Human blitzer, Ogre, Treeman, Dwarf Lineman, Dwarf Runner, Dwarf Blitzer, Dwarf Trollslayer, Halfling

I've compiled the complete set with all 30 playable teams into a giant mega-collection on My Mini Factory.

It has all 30 teams! Not star players though, as new ones are added all the time, so they come in packs

The full set is normally $129, but there is currently a Black Friday sale going on for 40% of everything in the Star Pharaoh Foundry store, so that brings the price down to $77. Check out the Star Pharaoh Foundry store on My Mini Factory and specifically the Port-O-Bowl collection - there are only 2 days left until the sale ends! 

Physical backers: I am currently going through physical backers orders as I stated in the last update. But I am also working on creating a website that will allow people to place physical orders for the new teams, and even full sets. That is going to take a lot more work, but I will keep people posted. 

Until the next update, it's back to printing and shipping for me! 




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