We've got a few exciting updates to share this week! Here's what we'll cover in this update:
Locking pledges now + charging cards in 48 hours (a little later than announced) + answering your questions about preorder early bird pricing
Launching the complete Lore Master's Deck PDFs during the grand finale stream this Thursday
Recap of Deities livestream
Quick poll on pin designs for an independent BackerKit project!
Let's get into it!
Locking pledges and charging cards
Originally we'd planned to lock pledges over the weekend and charge credit cards for any outstanding balances today. We realized that locking pledges over the weekend might be tricky, both with backers missing their chance to update their pledge and with support teams being less available should any issues arise.
Instead, we've initiated locking pledges today. This means you have 48 hours to make any changes to your pledge via your reward survey. On Wednesday, we'll process card payments for any outstanding charges (such as shipping, taxes, post-campaign add-ons, and pledge upgrades).
I also wanted to clarify how our early bird pricing works after getting some questions on our previous update. The early bird pricing being discussed was primarily for preorders through our BackerKit preorder store (sometimes called "late pledges"). We ended up extending early bird pricing for preorders by a week to March 15. Sorry for not making that clearer!
Lastly, please note that we've temporarily removed the print and play PDFs from the Digital Downloads on BackerKit as we prepare to launch the final PDFs during Thursday's livestream.
Grand Finale Livestream
This Thursday we'll be hosting our FINAL LIVESTREAM in the open beta series! Lore Master's Deck has achieved its final form, and we're ready to put the entire final PDF set in your hands (minus stretch goal PDFs)!
We'll be recapping the progression of our deck systems through the years and then cracking open all of our expansions at the same time to weave some lore, with votes and interpretations steered by the chat!
If you have any questions you'd like answered about Lore Master's Deck, The Story Engine Deck, Deck of Worlds, or their expansions, please let us know!
And please click "Notify Me" on the livestream page to make sure you get a notification when we go live.
In case you missed the Deities livestream
Thanks to everyone who tuned into the Deities Expansion launch livestream last week! We had an absolute blast creating what turned out to be a twisted love triangle pantheon of avian deities:
the reclusive Heron, god of stories, words, and history
the one-eyed Eagle, god of blood and might
the corvid Trickster, the god who has been pulling strings behind the scenes
Miroki also debuted her new opera metal single "Until The Last Planet Dies," which is out now across music platforms! Here's how you can find the Spotify version! You can catch the replay of the stream here!
Quick poll on pin designs for a personal BackerKit project
Outside of my work on The Story Engine, I'm the cartoonist behind the webcomic Rock Paper Cynic and a designer of nerdy tabletop RPG apparel! On March 28, I'm launching a non-Story Engine pin project!
If you're a TTRPG player, I'd love for you to vote on this poll to help me figure out which pin designs to prioritize. For larger images or to vote for "Another option," please see the launch page. Also, I'll be doing a returning backer bonus and an early bird bonus, so follow the page to make sure you get the notification!
Thanks so much, and don't hesitate to follow up in the comments with any questions you have!