The Story Engine
3 months ago

Project Update: Late November Update: All Regions Now Shipping!

Hello backers!

We're thrilled to announce that all regions are now shipping!

Note that we've reallocated our "rest of world" destinations across different fulfillment hubs. See below for details!

Canada (fulfilled by our team)

Fulfillment is complete! As 10 million parcels are now frozen in the postal system due to the Canada Post strike, we are feeling good about our decision to fulfill early and use alternate carriers.

A wild Lore Master’s Deck appeared - in Canada! Thanks to David for sharing this photo!

USA (fulfilled by Flying Cloud Fulfillment)

Shipping has begun and will continue into December!

Australia/New Zealand/Asia (fulfilled by Aetherworks)

Address confirmation emails began earlier this week and the first parcels have officially gone out. Shipping will continue into December.

UK/EU (fulfilled by Spiral Galaxy Games)

Address confirmation emails began earlier this week and the first parcels have officially gone out. Shipping will continue into December.

Rest of World (fulfilled by a variety of hubs)

All of our hubs are now actively shipping. Parcels going to Asia will ship from Aetherworks while the rest will ship from either Flying Cloud Fulfillment or Spiral Galaxy Games depending on carrier availability.

That's all for now!

Thanks so much for your patience as we overcame the last hurdles of the journey. We are as eager as you are for our decks to find their way to their forever homes.

All our best,

The Story Engine Team
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