The Story Engine
5 months ago

Project Update: Regional Fulfillment Timelines + Early Bird/Returning Backer Rewards Applied

Hello backers!

We're excited to report that all boats are either en route to the fulfillment hubs OR have already arrived at port! That said, there are still a number of important checkpoints between now and actual fulfillment, so let's take a moment to look at each region and what the anticipated timelines look like in each.

Going forward, we'll likely break down our updates by fulfillment region, but please keep in mind that any timelines we provide are estimates based on things going smoothly, and disruptions can and do happen despite everyone's preparations and best intentions. We always prepare our paperwork and contingency plans in advance so we can handle hiccups as quickly as possible. Even so, these timelines may shift as we pass each milestone.

Before we dig into the regional updates, there are three other important updates.

1) Last month we applied all the early bird rewards (promo cards) and returning backer rewards (Story Engine logo mini-pin) to your rewards. You can view your BackerKit profile via your original reward survey link to confirm if your rewards look correct. Please contact us and include your BackerKit email in your message if you think you were supposed to receive a specific reward but did not.

2) You can still view and update your address via your reward survey link. The only exceptions are if you're moving from one country to another, from one US state to another, or one Canadian province to another, in which case you will need to contact us to update your address and shipping charges. We will lock surveys as each region begins fulfillment. When we do, BackerKit will email you to give you a 48-hour window to update your address, but it's better to check and update now if possible.

3) We have completed our allocations for the free educator decks and contacted the selected educators to complete BackerKit reward surveys. Educators who were not allocated a deck have been moved to a waitlist. Educators have until Oct 4 to complete their surveys or their allocation will be cancelled and transferred to a school on the waitlist.

Okay, here are the updates on each freight region!

Canada (fulfilled by our team)

Canadian freight has arrived in port and is expected to arrive at the hub in Ontario in mid-October. 

We will be packing and shipping these orders ourselves from Ontario, likely in mid-to-late October. Canada Post may go on strike in the fall, but we anticipate being finished with fulfillment before the earliest possible strike dates in November.

USA (fulfilled by Flying Cloud Fulfillment)

US freight is en route and is expected to arrive in port in late October. The East Coast Longshoreman's Union is threatening to strike, which could lead to delays with our container being unloaded and brought to the fulfillment hub. If all goes well, we will be starting fulfillment in mid-to-late November, but please be aware that a strike could introduce delays. We will be following the strike news closely.

Australia (fulfilled by Aetherworks)

Australian freight has arrived and is in the process of clearing customs. Based on previous experience, we anticipate freight arriving at our fulfillment hub in 1-2 weeks, with fulfillment starting within 1-2 weeks after that.

UK/EU/Rest of World (fulfilled by Spiral Galaxy Games)

Freight is en route and expected to arrive in port in late October. In previous years, it's taken 1-2 weeks for freight to be received and transported to our UK hub, with another 1-2 weeks for fulfillment to begin. However, conflicts near ocean routes could lead to delays or complications. If all goes well, we will be starting fulfillment in mid-to-late November.

That's all for now!

Again, please bear in mind that these estimates may change as we pass each milestone. We're keeping a close eye on our inboxes to clear freight/customs/logistics issues as soon as they come up and provide the best chance of hitting these timelines.

Thanks so much!

The Story Engine Team
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