The Story Engine
5 months ago

Project Update: Mid-October Fulfillment Update

Hello backers!

We just wanted to check in with a quick update on fulfillment as timelines progress in each region. Keep in mind all these dates are estimates that may change.

Note that Miroki and Eric are getting married in late October and Peter is in the wedding party, so we may be less available to reply to customer service requests from Oct 24-28. Thank you for your patience as we celebrate a special day!

Canada (fulfilled by our team)

Canadian freight arrived in port on time, but unfortunately was selected for random secondary inspection. The shipment was just released yesterday and will take 1- 2 weeks to cross the country and be delivered to our hub in Ontario. We may be able to fulfill as early as next week, but it's equally likely we could be delayed to early November.

We have initiated the 48-hour address locking process. This is your last chance to update your address via your original backer reward survey link.

Current estimated fulfilment timeline: late October or early November

Note: Canada Post may go on strike in early November. In the event this happens, we have numerous alternate postal carriers lined up.

USA (fulfilled by Flying Cloud Fulfillment)

US freight is en route and is expected to arrive in port in late October. The East Coast Longshoreman's Union strike only lasted three days, so that crisis has been averted, but there is some residual port congestion. If all goes well, our container will be delivered to the hub in mid-November.

Current estimated fulfillment timeline: mid-to-late November continuing to December

Australia (fulfilled by Aetherworks)

Australian freight has arrived, cleared customers, and been delivered to the hub. We've locked Australian address and sent our final shipping list to Aetherworks. We anticipate fulfillment starting in the next 1-2 weeks.

Current estimated fulfillment timeline: late October continuing to November

UK/EU/Rest of World (fulfilled by Spiral Galaxy Games)

We have been advised of a docking delay due to congestion at the port of Felixstowe. Our new docking date is only a little later into October than our original one. It is possible, however rare, for a docking date to be double-delayed, but we're hoping the current one holds.

In previous years, it's taken 1-2 weeks for freight to be received and transported to our UK hub, with another 1-2 weeks for fulfillment to begin. 

Current estimated fulfillment timeline: mid-to-late November continuing to December

That's all for now!

As always, please bear in mind that these estimates may change as we pass each milestone. We're keeping a close eye on our inboxes (outside of the wedding weekend) to resolve logistics issues as they come up.

Thanks so much!

The Story Engine Team
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